
CNET´s News.com has interviewed Reginald Fils-Aime, executive vice president of sales and marketing at NoA. It´s a long read, but heartening stuff.
Q: We understand you have some New Year's resolutions for Nintendo. Let's start there.Did I promise too much? Heartening stuff there, regarding both the Revolution and DS. My favourite quote is ´We'll be showing a lot of titles at this year's E3´, because it hints at a sufficient number of launch titles. And I will be there to play them.
RFA: Sure. From my perspective, I have five resolutions for the industry heading into 2006. The first is keeping our eyes on the prize. This industry is about entertainment, and in the end, he with the best games wins. So at Nintendo, we're focused on putting the most-entertaining products into the marketplace.
The second resolution is keeping the "mass" in the mass audience. The world is fragmenting all around us, and many companies are making their products too exclusive and expensive for the general consumer.
For example, for American consumers to get into the Xbox 360 franchise, with games and extra controllers, they had to spend more than $700, not including an HDTV, which is really the only way to positively experience 360. We resolve at Nintendo to remain within reach for the vast majority of our consumers.
Q: How?
RFA: By first creating gaming-centric systems and consoles, whether it's handhelds or home consoles. That will ensure that for gamers, our products are totally focused on their needs, versus products that try to integrate music or other things that, frankly, aren't what great gaming experiences are all about.
Q: Since you mentioned pricing, I assume the Revolution will be accessible to gamers for substantially less than $700?
RFA: That's correct. Our third resolution is to stop turning away new players.
This industry has become more and more focused on the niche, and at Nintendo, we've opened our systems to a wide range of consumers. Whether it's consumers older than 35 or female gamers, we've attracted them with Nintendogs and Animal Crossing, so we've resolved to bring as many new consumers into this industry as possible.
Q: And the fourth resolution?
RFA: It is to turn game development into a democracy of great ideas. Just as the cost of systems seems to be getting out of reach for everyday consumers, the cost of game development is getting out of reach for game publishers. The Revolution will be more affordable for game developers to create for, and that will result in fantastically innovative content.
Q: Let's talk handhelds. Obviously, the Nintendo DS is doing well, with 13 million sold so far. But Sony's PSP seems to have more buzz.
RFA: I disagree. The DS is outselling [the] PSP across the world. The DS is also generating huge buzz in the blogosphere. The fact is, we have a number of not only worldwide but even US-centric million-unit-selling games, and Sony doesn't.
We have games that are successfully expanding the audience for gaming for [the] DS, and that's not true for Sony. The buzz for the DS is huge and growing, and the most anticipated handheld titles are on our platform, not on Sony's.
Q: OK, so what about the fifth resolution?
RFA: The mythical performance vector for this industry is more processing power and prettier pictures, but what's really driven growth is actually improving the way consumers play and get into the game. It's what we've successfully done with the Nintendo DS and what we're committed to doing with the Revolution and the controller we've unveiled for [the] Revolution.
Q: Tell me about the controller. What makes it noteworthy?
RFA: It allows you to essentially manipulate the game by pointing at it. The activity that happens in the game is quite responsive with the controller, and we've shown that sports games can be brought to a new level of immersion with the controller.
Q: How so?
RFA: It allows you to manipulate not only a puck or a football, but also to manipulate the player in a way that's never been done before. So if I'm developing a football game, I can move across the field, focus against a particular receiver with pinpoint accuracy and throw the ball right to that receiver much as a real-life quarterback does.
That level of immersion really has never been done before. We know it's exciting because we have partners like EA and Ubisoft and Activision and THQ excited about developing for the Revolution.
Q: How many launch titles will there be for the Revolution?
RFA: That question's a bit premature. We'll be showing a lot of titles at this year's E3, and we think that's where consumers will get a flavor for the full range of titles and the full range of activity that we will have for our launch window.
Q: And what is the launch date?
RFA: We've said 2006. [NOTE: Nintendo President Satoru Iwata has since said the game will arrive in the US by Thanksgiving.]
Q: What else will set the Revolution apart from the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3?
RFA: A number of things. First, our titles. We have the huge luxury of a stable of franchises that's unparalleled in this industry. Also, we're working on new franchises and our first-party lineup will be better than our competition. We're also getting strong third-party support.
Secondly, our virtual console concept, which lets you play your favorite games from the Nintendo 64, Super NES and NES systems, will also be a differentiator. Plus, Revolution will be backwardly compatible with GameCube games.
Q: How do you think the Revolution will sell?
RFA: We will sell more units than [the] Xbox 360 did here in the United States in our launch window. I mean, in December, we sold more GameCubes in the United States than Microsoft sold 360s, and Revolution will do better than that.
Q: How will the DS do head-to-head against the PSP, going forward?
RFA: We expect a gangbuster year for DS in 2006. I think that's because we've successfully launched the Wi-Fi Connection for Nintendo DS. We've had more than 10 million connections to the servers on a worldwide basis and over half a million unique users in a short seven-week time frame.
Just for perspective, it took Xbox Live over six months to get to that level, so we're very proud of the way we've grown that business. We're also very confident with [the] DS, given a number of impending launches we've announced, including Metroid Prime: Hunters.
We've also announced Tetris DS, which has a total of six different modes of play, including classic Tetris play as well as a number of mechanisms that are playable both in local-area networks and via Wi-Fi. There will also be a new Super Mario Bros. title in 2006. So just in looking at the tools and packages we have, we're very confident in our success for [the] Nintendo DS this year.
Q: Terrific. Finally, can you tell me how Nintendo will reverse the perception that the console market is Sony and Microsoft and then Nintendo?
RFA: The fact is this: On a worldwide basis in the home console area, we are the number two player. Here in the United States, if you look at today, we are the number three player, so I understand where the perception comes from that we are not doing as well in the home console market as we are in the handheld business, where we dominate worldwide.
Our focus for [the] Nintendo Revolution is to provide real, meaningful differentiators versus our competition, and we believe that is what will drive our success. First, focusing on a single-minded gaming device. Second, bringing real innovation to the controller in the way consumers play the game. Third, a value orientation that certainly is not present with our competitors. Fourth, leveraging the power of our library with the virtual consoles.
So that's how we believe our success formula will play out in home consoles, and our focus is on executing that four-point program.
Source: News.com
Image source: Nintendo press server
Thanks to: GameSpot, MegaMegaMan
Ja, darauf freu ich mich auch voll. Mindestens 10 Titel müssen es schon sein. =)
hey Falafelkid
how about obtaining some e3 passes for your faithful readers?
shiggy said...
hey Falafelkid
how about obtaining some e3 passes for your faithful readers?
I was gonna say: and I hate you for that [going to E3], but shiggy had a better ideia :P
e3 passes for all.... no?
What do you think of Nintendo Floor Vision?
That video about it looks amazing.
Ich habe nie rechten Zugang zu Ico gefunden.Trotzdem weiß ich beinahe alles daran zu schätzen.Die fast unsichtbare Benutzeroberfläche,die perfekte Struktur,das Tempo:ein unglaubliches makelloses Videospiel.Es frustrierte mich aber,dass ich nie so sehr Gefallen daran gefunden habe,wie ich fühlte,dass ich es hätte tun sollen.Gleichsam wünsche ich mir,dass ich die Herausforderung Experimental-Kino genauso wie meine Freunde annehmen könnte.Oder dass ich mich für die Art von Büchern erwärme,die nicht auf Flughäfen verkauft werden.Ich kann mich jetzt nicht auch noch mit avantgardistischen Spielen abgeben.
Oh,ich möchte aber auf keinen Fall,dass sie mich jetzt falsch verstehen.Sicherlich wünsche ich mir orginelle Spiele.Killer7 beispielweise ließ mir Schwälle von Blut aus den Ohren schießen."Wir sitzen in der Klemme."Du hast verdammt noch mal Recht:Du hast dir deinen eigenen Hintern eingeklemmt.
Die Wahrheit ist,dass ich ein größerer Anhänger des Mainstreams bin,als ich manchmal zugeben möchte.Man sagt,im Alter werde man konservativer.Ohne Frage werde ich auch immer unflexibler,was die Wahl meiner Spiele angeht.
Ich lebe stets in der vagen Hoffnung,dass meine Leidenschaft für Videospiele plötzlich und unvorhergesehen durch ein anspruchvolles Meisterwerk zu neuem Leben erwacht.Vor diesem Hintergrund freute ich mich ganz besonders,als eine Vorabversion von Shadow of Colossus zum Testen in unserer Redaktion eintraf.Wie erwartet liegt dieses Spiel etwas näher am Mainstream als Ico.Und obwohl mir das Gameplay ein bisschen monoton erschien,mag ich Shadow of the Colossus mehr als seinen Vorgänger.
Am besten gefiel mir-wie auch bei Ico-die Grafik.In der Tat ist Grafik nicht mal das passende Wort.Was mich wirklich beeindruckt hat,ist die künstlerische Leistung.Ungeachtet der Tatsache,dass Shadow of the Colossus und Ico auf einer Hardware laufen,die wir gemeinhin als "Alte Generation" bezeichnen,wirken sie weitaus erhabener und beseelter als alles,was ich bislang von der Next Generation zu Gesicht bekam.Zugegeben,die Optik von Shadow of the Colossus ist nicht perfekt-es gibt ein paar Macken und die Framerate könnte besser sein.Doch insgesamt ist es ein glänzendes,eindrucksvolles Werk der Kunst.Und das hat eigentlich nichts mit Technologie zu tun.Was denken Sie,wenn sie Spiele der Xbox360 sehen?Ich könnte Ihnen spontan ein halbes Dutzend alter Titel nennen,die besser aussehen als alle 360-Neuerscheinungen.Der Grund in meinen Augen:Auf Kosten der Kunst setzen die Hersteller vor allem auf Technologie.Zu vielen Spielen mangelt es an Seele.ZU VIELE SPIELE SIND MEHR SEELENLOSE DARSTELLUNGEN EINER IRDISCHEN WELT ALS REFLEXIONEN EINER KÜNSTLERISCHEN SICHTWEISE.
Für mich ist-abseits des Gameplays-der Unterschied zwischen Doom3 und Quake4 der,dass in Doom3 die Kunst über die Technologie bestimmt hat,während es bei Quake4 gerade umgekehrt ist.
Immer gelangweilter ziehe ich durch die selben städtischen Landschaften,Lagerhäuser und halborganischen Sci-Fi-Tunnels.Ich würde es sehr begrüßen,könnte ich dahinter ein Gefühl,eine Vision entdecken.Doch jede Lgerhalle ist identisch mit der nächsten.Fremdartige Einrichtungen gleichen sich fast bis aufs Haar.Alle Monster sehen sich irgendwie ähnlich.Sie betrachten Screenshots oder Videos von der ersten Welle kommender 360-Titel,und sie scheinen alle aus dem selben Spiel zu stammen.Keines davon verfügt über eine ausgeprägte künstlerische Vision.Sie machen ihr Aussehen von der Technologie(und anderen Spielen)abhängig.Wie selbstverständlich gibt die Technik die Richtun an.Wo liegt der Vorteil dabei,alle Anstrengungen in flüssigere Frameraten und mehr Polygone zu stecken,wenn man damit nicht mehr erreicht als das,was wir ohnehin schon haben?
Ein Künstler-ein echter Künstler-sollte in der Lage sein,etwas Überraschendes zu erschaffen und Denkanstöße zu liefern.Egal mit welchem Werkzeug.Oder macht ein dickerer,neuerer Pinsel etwa automatisch einen besseren Maler aus Ihnen?
Oft scheint es,als mache man sich über die Spielgrafik erst zum Schluss Gedanken.Sicher ist das Gameplay am Wichtigsten.Doch mit dem technischen Fortschritt scheint sich die Rolle der Künstler zu verringern.Sie zeichnen täuschend echte Gebäude und lassen die Szenerie dann von der Grafik-Engine ausleuchten,damit es hübsch aussieht.So sind aus Künstlern Architekten und Techniker geworden.
Quake4,Gears of War,Perfect Dark Zero,Saint's Row,Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter und so weiter die sehen alle recht herkömmlich aus.Sogar Kameo ist ein überzeichnetes Sammelsurium von Fantasy-Klisches.Kein einziges 360-Spiel ist wirklich inspirierend.Nehmen Sie nur mal den Trailer zu Quake4-er zeigt alles,was bei diesen Spielen schief läuft.Eine Flut abgedroschener Bilder,gekrönt von einem unfreiwillig lustigen Script und unterlegt von Musik,die irgendwo zwischen Militärmarsch und Bluegrass hin- und herwechselt-zusammengefügt von jemandem ohne jegliche gestalterische Vorstellungskraft.
Die beste Engine,die kraftvollste Technik-nichts davon ist von Bedeutung,wenn das künstlerische Konzept dahinter nicht stimmt.
I would like to encourage everyone who owns the original version of Edge 2-2006 to post this essay by Mr. Biffo in its' proper language to make it accessible for a wider audience.
I must say, I'm very excited about his description of how a football game can be played with the revolution controller. I haven't played one in years, but I might just have to get back on that saddle.
Revealing the Revolution is back online
Hi. *lol* I am sorry. I am only able to accredidate my team (there´ll be three of us). If I could, though...
What ever happened to Reggie's one-liners? I can't be the onl one who misses his cultural impact.
Reggie needs a new picture, thats for certain :P
Yeah a racer would be really helpfull for their Launch.
Ign just posted a rumor that SEGA is making an exclusive Sonic game for the Revolution and sources say that it shouldn't surprise anyone that SEGA is backing Nintendo. Have you heard about this Falafelkid?
Boxing's always been about personalities. I don't follow the sport particularly, but even I can identify most of the people who've been involved in it. Not too surprising, then, that EA's Kudo Tsunoda is quite a character himself. He wears shades in January, talks at about a mile a minute, and constantly says things that I'm surprised his PR minders aren't yelling at him about. When one of the journos questions the presence of a Burger King logo on a replay overlay, he says, "It's because it's the Burger King punch of the round," - an obvious reference to the game's TV styling, which owes a lot to EA's deal with ESPN. "Or, as we like to call it, the Burger King five-hundred-thousand-dollars-for-us punch of the round." Er. "Um, yeah, don't write that down." Too late.
He's full of amusing anecdotes. For example, the one about the audio samples. "We were just punching stunt-guys but they were too ripped," he says. "So in the end we got this pig, oiled it up, and then just punched the living crap out of it. So there was our sound guy with a microphone getting covered in oil." I assume he's joking. Either way, the noises you hear when someone's whacking X repeatedly to replay a knockout punch over and over is one of the most horrible things I've heard since I last turned on MTV Hits. Remember that bit in American History X where that guy bites the kerb and Edward Norton stamps on the back of his head? It's proper fingers-over-ears stuff. Every single time.
Fight Night Round 3 was one of EA's big demos at last May's PlayStation 3 unveiling in Los Angeles. Kudo was there showing it off, but the content won the headlines. That one punch shocked the whole world, as the camera caught everything in minute detail - the crumpling of the glove on the boxer's chin, his lower jaw shifting awkwardly to one side as the impact of the punch rippled along his face (remember that bit in The Matrix where it happens to Agent Smith? They got the same effects guy to help them do it here), blood flying out of his mouth and perspiration fleeing his face like hundreds of tiny bodies propelled through windscreens. I'm not shown the PS3 version (in fact, I'm not even allowed to ask about it), but Kudo reckons the Xbox 360 version is even better looking than that demo. Which most people thought was faked anyway.
It definitely wasn't. Kudo finds the internet reaction quite entertaining. He talks about how, when people heard his name, they said the game would suck because he was Japanese. He's "about half-Japanese" but he's distinctly American - you have no trouble believing he works in Chicago - but the 'net said it'd probably still suck. When people played it on Xbox 360, they suggested that the PS3 conference demo was running on an Xbox 360. You can't win. "Last time, somebody complained the game sucked because we didn't have robes," he says. "I'm thinking we should put that on the back of the box: NOW WITH AUTHENTIC ROBES."
They won't of course, but there's no dearth of things to put on the back of the Xbox 360 packaging. Above and beyond the PS2 and Xbox versions, X360 Round 3 includes new fight mechanics and graphics easily on a par with any next-gen tech demo we've seen, boxers modelled to "pore-level detail" - to the extent that the 360 does away with any sort of heads-up display or screen furniture and lets you gauge the relative health of any fighter by their body language and the state of their face - along with photo-modelled arenas, loads of real boxers, a Career mode that lets you throw punches at the press conferences if you really want to, an ESPN Classics mode that lets you relive great fights throughout history, and far more that I can't fit into this spiralling paragraph.
Visually, hyperbole isn't necessary; you can do it on stats alone. Fighters were built out of three million polygons, based on high-res photoshoots. Existing boxers were brought in, photographed, and those photographs formed the basis of their models, which glisten with convincing sweat (no FIFA-style zombification here). Dazed boxers look dazed and stumble around convincingly; they let their guard down, their hands dropping and heads slumping. Noses are broken and bent out of shape by well-placed roundhouses. "We used to be able to fake so much stuff, but you can't get away with that [on next-gen]," says Kudo. "We used wireframes to set up the animations, and the rule was that if you couldn't figure out it was Ali, we changed it." The same went for the AI. If the CPU boxing didn't look like Ali, or Foreman, or Holyfield, or whoever, when it was just a wireframe, they changed it. They're extremely conscious about the way that you notice the tiniest discrepancies in high-resolution visuals far more than you do the big ones in low-detail graphics.
Ali's inclusion raises an interesting question though - how did they model older boxers? "We put out a casting call for body doubles, people with the same body shape as Ali, the same face shape, the same kind of skin. We got videos and showed them how to move like Ali and filmed that." Collecting assets was one of the biggest tasks involved in development - and the same attention to detail was spread around outside the boxers. All the arenas were modelled with high-resolution panoramic photoshoots - an approach similar to the one Project Gotham Racing 3 uses, and to similarly gob-smacking effect. "We even used the same three million poly/photoshoot stuff on the ring girls. We worked hard for you guys."
Some mistakes were made though. Like the first time they got a ring-girl in. "We've got about 120 guys in the Chicago office, and the make-up room is down the hall from where. We didn't really think about robes at that point, so this poor girl had to walk the whole way down the hall to where we take the photos in a bikini. Suddenly 120 guys all had a reason to be in the hallway." Oops.
Obviously they couldn't punch and cut up Holyfield or his kin (not without getting hit back, we expect), but that wasn't too much of a problem. "We paid stunt-guys 500 bucks a day to just punch them repeatedly in the face to capture the facial movement," says Kudo. Another anecdote: "You know, we have this street hockey team at EA, and one time this guy caught a stick above the eye and it opened up a big wound. He had to have like 14 stitches or something. So we were trying to get him into a car, take him to hospital and he was like, 'No! Get me into the studio!'"
But enough of the graphics. Even if you doubt it looks this good (there's a downloadable demo on Live if you want some first-hand experience), Kudo reckons the strength of the fight mechanics ought to sate you. The game uses analogue sticks to fire punches, treating 'up' on the right analogue as facing the opponent. Arcing a quarter-circle left-and-upward on the right stick throws a left hook, while you can wind up from further back to throw haymakers. Haymakers even have a little delay now, so a good receiving player can anticipate it and evade. Evasion's very believable, and each boxer has their own style - and naturally some are better at blocking in particular circumstances. You can uppercut, jab, and even throw in the odd taunt or illegal move - once or twice anyway.
The real improvement on 360 is impact punches, and specifically the EA Super Punch, silly name or no. "We wanted one punch to be able to change the course of a fight," says Kudo, "like in a real boxing match." That it can do. Land the right punch, and it becomes obvious the other guy's reeling; all he can do is block or grab you in a "man-hug" to try and break up the bout. And if you land a decent flash punch, the perspective changes - the game is suddenly viewed through the eyes of the reeling fighter, and all he can do is pull his hands in front of his face to block heavy blows, which the player on the up can rain down with abandon.
If you make it to the end of the round, there's also a mini-game for mopping your boxer's face through analogue stick motions. It's a bit throwaway, but it gives you a chance to laugh at just how awful your opponent is; their failings brought to life by some damage percentages and visible cuts and bruises all over. And that broken nose. Ouch.
Elsewhere in the ring, you can switch stances on the fly. Stances and styles are very important to Fight Night. With the game going online in Europe for the first time - "finally we pulled our heads out of our asses!" - you'll be able to unlock styles, like Ali's rope a dope, and then apply them to your own custom character when you go on Xbox Live and take people on. There'll be around 800 variations in all. For all the game's emphasis on authenticity, Kudo still wants it to be very individual - if you have a particularly memorable tussle with someone, for example, you'll be able to relive the bout in ESPN Classics mode as though it was one of the many real-life grudge matches that captured the world's attention.
Actually stepping up to play the game, it's solid. I suck, obviously, but it's been obvious that actual talent brings with it more success. "You really need to figure out everyone's strengths and weaknesses," he says. So we see when he gives us about ten minutes of presentation while absently beating the crap out of an EA PR rep with his hands, only to find himself in more trouble when a journo with some experience of the demo version grabs up the pad and has a go. He still wins though. I don't. In fact, I set a record for the quickest defeat, getting knocked out within seconds and failing to rouse myself - something done by trying to centre a pair of analogue stick icons on a centralised KO count to unblur your boxer's vision. And as we watch my demise over and over, it doesn't get boring.
In fact, I'll probably play it when it comes out. If only because I'd love to hear Kudo smack-talk.
Fight Night Round 3 is due out on Xbox 360 on March 3rd.
Acclaim planning comeback?
Check out http://acclaim.com/
Would be nice though.
FalafelKid, on what ground did you renounce N5 and Mr Inc as fake??Has something new emerged about them..I remember Kevin from ZooDog saying that they were pretty accurate on his questions..
good news for falafelkid et. al.! ;-)
Nintendo Shares Rise
Revolution May Sell for $300 (Correct)
(Corrects sixth paragraph to say PlayStation 2, instead of PlayStation Portable.)
By Daisuke Takato
Jan. 20 (Bloomberg) -- Shares of Nintendo Co., the world's biggest maker of handheld video game players, had their biggest gain since July 2003 on a report its Revolution console will sell for less than $300, undercutting Microsoft Corp.'s Xbox 360.
Nintendo gained 6.4 percent to 16,090 yen at the 3 p.m. close of trading on the Osaka Securities Exchange. Reggie Fils-Aime, executive vice president marketing for Nintendo America, told Cnet News.com this week that the company's next console ``will cost less than $300,'' and go on sale before Thanksgiving in November.
Tsutomu Enoki, a spokesman at Nintendo's Kyoto headquarters, declined to elaborate on the report, saying ``We have not disclosed any specifics on the price.'' He reiterated the company's plan to start selling Revolution ``some time in 2006.''
Nintendo, which pioneered the video game industry in the 1980s, has seen its market share narrow to about 14 percent for its existing GameCube console, as Microsoft and Sony Corp. introduced products with a hard drive, DVD player and Internet connection. Microsoft started sales of its Xbox 360 in November for between $299 and $399. Sony plans to sell its PlayStation 3 device around the second quarter, and hasn't given a price.
``We want the game console to appeal to as many people as possible, and we have said that it won't be that expensive,'' said Enoki, without elaborating.
In December, Nintendo said sales of its DS portable video game player reached 5.44 million in Japan since its introduction in December 2004. President Satoru Iwata said the DS passed the 5 million sales mark in one year and three weeks, faster than any of its other game player formats. Sony's PlayStation 2 reached the mark in 17 months in Japan, and it took Nintendo's own Gameboy Advance 14 months, he said.
``They have certainly beat expectations in Japan,'' with the DS, said Hiroshi Kamide, an analyst at KBC Securities in Tokyo. He has a ``buy'' rating on Nintendo. ``There's some relief that they've managed to turn around their performance in the U.S., which wasn't the case earlier this year.''
wtf is wrong with ign?
Revolution in Practice
One click and it's yours.
by Skizzle Riffleblop
January 19, 2005 - Click here for the story.
Related Links
Megaton Revealed
Praise the gods. Could this news be any bigger?
Revolution in Practice
Nearly there. Don't give up.
by Monkbottom Slurpinstein
January 19, 2005 - You're just one click away now...
wtf how did you even find that leon, that is messed up and makes no sense what is it a hidden joke?
It´s right there on IGN Revolution´s frontpage. read my new post for details.
I just want to point something out.
True, it took XBox Live 6 months to achieve what the WiFi Connection has in less than two. But when Live launched, people were kind of hesitant. Despite Nintendo had been trying to go online for years, Live was new to gamers, plus, they had to pay. With the NWC people already knew what to expect, they knew it could be really exciting AND it was free.
However, we must give credit to Nintendo: connecting to the WFC is easy and friendly as hell. That's why so many people got online so fast. I think.
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