A GameStop exec has confirmed that Wii is currently outselling the PS3. The group´s COO spoke to the New York Times.
Daniel A. DeMatteo, vice chairman and chief operating officer at GameStop, said Thursday that for the first time last week there were PlayStation 3 consoles in stock at hundreds of the company’s 3,700 outlets. Not so for the Wii, which costs $249 and is still flying off shelves.
“We got some in yesterday in really limited supply, and they virtually disappeared,” Mr. DeMatteo said.
This comes only two days before NPD is scheduled to publish the first reliable sales figures and after speculation about waning PS3 interest became widespread.
Source: New York Times
Thanks to: Gamespot, MaxConsole
Not seemingly clear in this blog entry, but I just have to say that your style of writing blog entries for a Nintendo blog is down-right refreshing because it's not too fanboy-ish. You seem to like Nintendo, yet you're critical and analytical towards news and stuff. Because of this, I like your blog a lot. Thanks!
Of course this will probably change if Sony cuts the price of the PS3 by $200 dollars.
The Wii is $350 dollars cheaper than the real PS3 at this time.
Cutting it by $200? That'd look bad. Not to mention the sort of losses Sony would be taking would be huge... they're already losing hundreds of dollars with each console. The tie in ratio for games to systems (to turn a profit) is already somewhere as absurd as 12. Another $200 loss would not be possible to take, unless the components come down in price, and quickly...
knowing sony they will do somthing stupid like INCREASE the price and claim they are doing it because their console is so much better than the competitons.
Hi Anonymous.
You seem to like Nintendo, yet you're critical and analytical towards news and stuff. Because of this, I like your blog a lot.
Thank you ever so much for your kind comments. You are quite right. I do like Nintendo and appreciate their different approach. At the same time, I also value the traditional or middle-ground approach to videogames (or whatever you want to call it). Basically, I wouldn´t say no to ´Gears of War´. And I am a huge fan of the ´WipeOut´ license.
So I appreciate Nintendo, but I don´t worship them. I also appreciate Sony and Microsoft (albeit for different reasons) and I believe that no company should be worshipped the way some fanboys do. And if that stance is mirrored by my writing, then I am achieving my goal. Thanks for letting me know and thanks for visiting my blog.
Hi Jason Alexander.
Of course this will probably change if Sony cuts the price of the PS3 by $200 dollars.
I have to agree with Starstriker. Sony simply cannot reduce the price tag. At least not before Christmas 2007, most likely not until 2008. They are losing between $250 and $300 on each console already and they are not doing too well financially. And by the time Sony can reduce the price, the console war may already have been decided. In fact, I believe we will see a winner emerge by the end of this year. And it looks as if that won´t be Sony this time ´round.
i think the winner will become clearER (emphasis on the ER) about mid year when the inital hype of the ps3 being available in NZ AUS and europ is well and truely over and the casual gamers (the people who buy consoles for no reason and generaly with no loyalty) have started selecting their next gen console of choice.
Hi NZ Guy.
Absolutely, I agree. We will have a better idea of who may be winning by the summer. Already now, we have some indication of how things might be developing. If true, the PS3 has reached the point where units are freely available pretty much anywhere. Wii still has to reach that point. But I would not want to draw any definite conclusions until after Christmas 2007. And, if I interpret your comments correctly, nor would you.
lol yes, perfect interpretation ;)
no this is all lies becouse sony zealots and bills rentboys all said so...
sony goons and microdicks stated clearly with there so called supirier gaming knowledge...
GAMECUBE is nintendos last system.
PSP would kill the nintendo handhelds.
microsoft to buy nintendo.
nintendo not making money.
ps2 more powerfull than gamecube.
all the above is 100% true in the mind set of a moronic bill sony pole sucking teenager
funny in reality a place nintendo fanboys live in....
nintendo is clearly by far the number one profits in the industre
DS destoyed psp and gba held its own
gamecube was, still is, vasty more powerfull and tuned for gaming than a ps poo i meen 2........
ds and wii are breaking all nown sales records
ds and wii sell at profit
ds software is out selling psp massivly
wii is out selling piss i meen ps3
and so are the games
lets go out in the middel of the night turn rocks over and find xbox fanboys and ps2 fangirls hiding after there stupid comments
nintendo forever
The thing is Sony fans have the mindset that the sales will still be coming but really I dont know if thats going to hold out for them. It is going to have to change drastically and by the time Sony can afford a price drop it may be too late.
But on another point; not necessarily. The PS3 is still a powerful machine and capable and will be providing and playing some great games (it hurts to say that). BUT all in all its just a machine and it's software that will sell the system.
I also heard word that Konami were dropping some PS3 titles which is not good for Sony.
I question the power of those big name games to sell the system by themselves. Are there enough people that dedicated that they'll go out and buy what amounts to a $700 game, especially without many more games in sight?
I got a Wii and Zelda, but if there wasn't the huge number of OTHER titles other than Zelda, I probably wouldn't have. As incredibly freaking awesome as the new Zelda is, I wouldn't likely pay the $400 that combo cost me. Even that masterpiece of a game wouldn't have completely sold me...
Hey, Falafelkid,
Here's something that might be interesting for you concerning Sony and their Controller: Sony werkelt an neuem Controller
Might be worth a new entry in the blog :)
Official NPD sales for December: U.S.
Nintendo DS - 1.6 million
PlayStation 2 - 1.4 million
Xbox 360 - 1.1 million
PSP - 953,200
GBA - 850,700
Wii - 604,200
PlayStation 3 - 490,700
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