On this thread on the Moz La Punk boards they posted a number of pics and I can reveal one of them to be fake - so they all must be. Some person on this GameFAQs thread already suspected it to be from a CG movie. It is. It´s from Back to Gaya, the first German CG movie. See the picture in question on a German movie site here. Click on the second square (underneath the toad) and you will see the very screenshot.
EDIT Almost all the other screenshots have since been proven fake as well. They are all rendering examples for the Brazil Rendering System used with 3D Studio Max and Autodesk. Here are the cinema scene, the female face and the twenties street scene. The older guy is missing, but who cares now anyway?
EDIT I originally did kick up some controversy about the reliability of the Moz La Punk site in this post. What really made me say that was the BMW motorcycle helmet being sold as a leak. Well, here´s its creator claiming that the site was not in the know on this. Read it for yourself.
Thought_Epiphany writes:
I see that it is probably useless that I post here, seeing as how everyone has pretty much said everything that needed to be said. Anyhow, I am thought-epiphany, the guy people were talking about who supposedly tried to pass a mockup as a leak. That was just me goofing off one time, I never did it again. (I didn't actually intend for it to spread over the net like wildfire either, I just was goofing around with my board-buddies) I made the "black ON helmet" way in the beginning. The Japanese "Development Kit Manual" photo "leak". It was just as a joke and it wasn't from Moz la Punk, it was just on his message boards. Initially, although some thought about it enough to disprove it, it was pretty convincing as it was not a hit and run. I did a damn good job of making myself sound like a legitimate developer, answering every question and so on. Because of this Moz posted it on his site JUST BECAUSE it was convincing enough that it could have almost been real. In the article he said he didn't know if it was or not, but supposedly it was a leak from a developer on the boards. He never claims anything is real, and since there have been so many fakes since the beginning he really won't post anything anymore unless it has info. to back it up. It wouldn't matter if he did anyway, because he always says he doesn't know if it's legitimate, but it is interesting. You do the same thing. Also, what the members of Moz la Punk's boards do having nothing to do with Moz or Moz's blog. It's the members. But that doesn't matter, because with a bit more investigation (like actually reading the thread) you would have realized that nobody was saying the pics were real (in fact the first post said he didn't know, he just found them on another board). Sorry for not paragraphing, it's not worth it and I'm tired. So if it bugs your eyes or if you don't bother reading it all, oh well. Anyhow, I've always liked you Falafelkid, you always try to look at things and find the truth, but you slipped up on this one.
Again, thanks for your comments here. But I think you (and everyone at Moz La Punk) should have tried harder to stress that only you knew you had done them. You being one of the prime members, this incident really made me question the site´s validity for good. And I hardly think you can blame me for that. Anyway, thank you for sharing your views.