I´m trying to remain sceptical, but this one is the best shot so far. It´s a scan, allegedly from a Japanese magazine. A guy calling himself Ninja posted it last monday in this forum. I can´t read Japanese, though. What do you think?
EDIT The original link was down within only twenty minutes of my and another post on the Nintendo forum. I don´t go for conspiracy theories, as you all know. But that does seem just a tad suspicious to me, I must say.
Hi Pakstar. It´s just a detail from that official pic with the hand holding the console in mid-air. It does look like a different pic, though, by itself.
Oh boy - I really hope those are not the controllers.
I guess it could be. But there are two reasons why it seems unlikely: It doesn´t fit the design of the console. And the Kanji apparently makes no sense (that´s what people are saying on the Gaming-Age forums (http://forums.gaming-age.com/).
The image won't load for me. Anyone else have a link where it'll work?
Updated it this very minute.
Thanks, Blogging sucks t3h p33nz0r. If it wasn´t for the writing and the design not matching the console... it really could be the controller, I guess.
And it´s been done before. For the PS2. Check this out: http://www.ncsxshop.com/cgi-bin/shop/HP2-86.html
Of course, it´s without gyroscopic technology or anything else fancy.
As to the writing:
For who understand Japanese or Chinese, the term " Revolution" should read "革命"(kakumei), the title here uses ”輪転”this means "spinning circle" or a spinnig ring etc...all the later parts appear so crap so no need to translate here.
(courtesy of MrNintendou, http://forums.gamespot.com/gamespot/show_messages.php?board=909104101&topic=21705983&page=7)
i was under the impression that the circular symbol meant gyroscope. idunno it was a pretty good fake if its not real.
I just found out about this page, really appreciate someone who's still got his head straight about all the rumors. will be checking this site daily :) cheers!
Yeah I saw him post it on my forum. He didn't even bother to change it from PNG to JPG until After I pointed it out. it's fake as hell.
This was already confirmed to be false, over on the gaming age forums someone named sp0rsk said he showed the scan to his Japanese friend and he said the text in the scan is just a bunch of gibberish, it doesn't make sense, so no luckily for us this is not the real controller.
Shoot I didn't know people already figured out this was fake disregard my post above.
ha ha doesnt he/she realise theve been rumbled
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to one of the anonymous' above (i think its someone called mayhon or something like that from nintendo power forum) why does is it being a PNG format mean its fake?
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