Wow, they just keep pouring in tonight. Here´s two promo screens for an alleged
´Icarus´ game for Revolution, being developed by Capcom. These look very professional. Also, dropping the word
´Kid´ from the title would go along with current Nintendo strategy. Zelda is getting darker and more grown up. Even Mario was said to become more mature, I seem to recall. I got these screens from
RevoGaming, though. And I am hesitant about that source, to say the least. They did get them from some forum, though. Here´s what they had to say about the images:
An image has surfaced on various internet forums that is supposedly some sort of artwork for the rumoured Kid Icarus Nintendo Revolution game. (...)
The image portrays a more mature, realistic and gritty Icarus, who has dropped the 'Kid' name as well as the theme. Although the image is probably a fake, it is interesting that it bears the same glowing Nintendo logo as many of the supposed Nintendo Revolution advertisements.
Well, do you think this is a realistic overhaul for the franchise?
Wenn du öfters die Gamespot Foren besuchen würdest wüsstest du, dass das ein Fake ist!
Link, bitte. P.S.: And I visit Gamespot more often than you have had hot dinners ;P
it is just another fake, the capcom logo is poorly photoshoped.
Congratulations for your blog, it is nice to see revo information from a serious point of view
Thanks for your comments. I have read people mentioning the Capcom logo looking fake. I must admit: I don´t see that... mind you, I´m not a Photoshop expert.
the pic rocks. but if we take a look ad the logos. you see that the design is sent correct. the 3 logos ( capcom nintendo and revolution) seems not in balance whit each other. the rev logo almost false off the picture. and the capcom logo is big. I wont complain about the size of the capcom logo I understand that if they make a new game the want to shout we made it. the nintendo logo is ok.. if this is real the rev logo is just placed there because they cant show the real logo
if you don't understand my just give my a call
Well, it does look very dark and mature, but i can highly doubt that this picture is not from the new Kid-Icarus revolution game.It looks a bit too dark for nintendo. Anyone seen a picture like this on deviart?
and another one:
looks sweet. Hopefully its real.
it can be as mature as it wants. blood, impaling, religious overtones.. i don't care.
just make that shit a 2-D sidescroller.
these pic. are from a deviant site... ill see if i find the link. they are just fan-art.
idk lol that would be enoug to turn my head if it where real, but i'm 99.999997755632135832653% sure its a fake seeing how nothing esle has been realesed yet
Hi Kevin. Thank you for the offer. I do prefer to write this blog myself, though - sorry. However, I very much like your board and have added you to my links. Again, thanks.
@ all
Sorry for writing in german, but my english is worse than Iwatas. :-)
Follow the first and third link, if you want to see silly fakes. Follow the second one, if you want to know more details on Metroid Prime 3.
@ Falafelkid
hier sind noch drei neue Fakes (zwei mal Controller und einmal Metroid Prime 3-Cover), wobei aber die Controller eigentlich schon zu billig zum posten aussehen und ein Metroid_Cover wohl noch nicht existieren dürfte.
Dass das Cover noch nicht existieren dürfte, kann man unter Anderem daher sagen, da noch nicht einmal mit dem Komponieren des Soundtracks begonnen wurde (siehe Link). "Will complete a trilogy, stay in first-person and make use of the Revolution controller."
Wenn du auf dem nächsten Link nach unten scrollst, siehst du noch zwei vermeintliche Artworks zum Thema "ATI & Retro Studios", welche aber auch sehr fake-like aussehen.
Die meisten Sachen sind sicher nicht so interessant. Aber zumindest, die Tatsache, dass noch nicht mit der Musik begonnen wurde, lässt einen Überraschungsstart Ende 2005 wie eine Seifenblase zerplatzen. Und wenn Retro den Grafikunterschied von Metroid Prime 1 zu 2 und von 2 zu 3 vergleicht, lässt das die Hardware-Freaks wohl auch nicht verzücken.
The third one is missing.
Here it is:
This be very old and very fake.
Hi, Hallo und Dag to everyone.
@Raphael: Cool, thanks so much for the links. I´ll post the ATI/Retro screens. They probably are fakes, but they´re the most interesting images I´ve seen today. I won´t post the Metroid interview now, because it´s too late. I guess everyone read about it a week ago when it was apparently posted on luminothtemple.com - but I couldn´t verify that, so I didn´t post it.
There are some interesting quotes you pick up on. But as far as graphics improvement is concerned, remember Nintendo are the masters of understatement. Originally, they said the Revolution would be 2 to 3 times more powerful than the Gamecube. And read that last Miyamoto interview in comparison. I wouldn´t be sure they are telling the truth about everything.
fake, how can capcom develop this game for rev when resident evil 5 is not announce on rev yet
ok... the mockups where made by SER69 on the gamespot forum. while the images are from a deviant page im still looking for(seen it before).
I think you`re right Falafelkid. Also Nintendo is trying to show everyone, that the graphics ain`t that important. And I think that way of understatement is a cool one to express this point of view.
found this while looking for something totally unrelated.
Looks like crap.
@Raphael: Yeah, I think they really hate Sony for giving us all this Teraflop talk. I don´t care about teraflops, I care about games. And so does Nintendo. I guess that´s where they´re coming from.
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