While we´re still at it, people on this Nintendo forum thread are discussing another logo already. It reads ´Nintendo ?!´, which some people thought was an original way of writing ´Nintendo 21´.
Now, you can find the entry by going to the Industrial Property Digital Library of Japan and clicking on Japanese Trademark Database. Then, enter ´Nintendo´ into the top query field (trademark for retrieval) and click on search. A line appears confirming 43 search results. Click on ´index´ next to it and on entry number 13 (registration number 2487112). The application date is 1987, which would suggest this is totally unrelated to the Revolution. Mind you, the date of reclassified registration is 2004/08/25. So the company does still have plans for this, it seems.

Yeah, I was wondering about that. Why doesn´t someone post username and password for the site. It´s not as if it´s sensitive data. Without seeing it on that site, I´m not posting anything.
I saw the trademark site. That trademark was filed in 1987, I believe. I don't think Nintendo would be planning the Revolution that early.
But hey, I could have misread it.
They wouldn´t have been planning it. They would just have needed to think of "Nintendo ?!" as a cool name and logo. One they MIGHT revive now. But, again, I doubt it.
I saw a thread at Nintendo.com that had the full interview from the Luminoth Temple a couple days ago, but it got pulled down minutes after I read it. It was posted by JETK:
Maybe he can help you guys out. The interview was very brief and didn't give any hints about the Revolution or the controller. IGN summed up the interview without really leaving out anything important. Not that there was much there to begin with.
Anonymous: Don´t just state exclamations. Please elaborate on your remark: WHY fuck Pablo Belmonte? And WHO should fuck him? How often? And will they be using tilt sensors and gyroscopic controls?
Und wenn Nintendo schon seit 1987 an dem Nintendo On arbeitet? Würde schließlig ziemlich viel komplizierte Technik drinne Stecken..., und hat nicht Nintendo AR erfunden?!
this logo...
i think i've seen it before.
Hi Florian: where? THINK! ;P
It looks exactly like the ATI logo. just with ON instead of ATI.
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