This is another one of those practical reminders of what will be happening this week and when. Satoru Iwata, president of Nintendo Co. Ltd., will hold a one-hour keynote speech on Thursday, 23rd of March entitled ´Disrupting Development´ at the Game Developers Conference in San Jose, California, USA. Here´s an overview of when the speech will take place in the relevant timezones:
10:30 am California, Nevada, British Columbia (PST)
11:30 am Arizona, New Mexico, Alberta (MST)
12:30 pm Louisiana, Arkansas, Manitoba (CST)
13:30 pm New York, Virginia, Quebec, Ontario (EST)
6:30 pm UK, Portugal (GMT)
7:30 pm Germany, France, Spain, Italy (CET)
The following times are for Friday, 24th of March:
2:30 am Western Australia (AWST)
4:00 am Northern Territory, South Australia (ACST)
4:30 am Queensland, New South Wales (AEST)
6:30 am New Zealand (NZST)
Also, do remember that a reputable industry magazine in the UK wrote last month that Iwata was to "unveil some key details" about the Revolution at the event. Further, IGN´s Nintendo editor Matt Casamassina said that "you’ll learn about and even see games prior to E3", as GoNintendo reported.
Most recently (but perhaps also somewhat predictably), GDC´s director Jamil Moledina is advising people: "I would strongly recommend attending the two platform keynotes from Sony’s Phil Harrison and Nintendo’s Satoru Iwata. Trust me!", as FiringSquad reported. Of course, Nintendo will save the best for last, i.e. E3. But this will also be one to watch. And where, I hear you ask? My weapon of choice will be Joystiq, who will be "blogging live from the event."
Source: Wikipedia, Game Developers Conference, GoNintendo, FiringSquad
Image source: Nintendo press server
Thanks to: Digg, Joystiq
Great! thanks for the news Falafel!
i can't wait for the Iwata's speech,
and for your update of the blog after the speech :)
Here's to hoping we get some info about the revolution. Maybe the name of the console? There's been some recent speculation at the event that this might happen.
You are on the wrong tack with your conclusions.Matter of fact is you failed on many counts.
You didnt queue up adroitly when asking him about the secret,no way around it.
Where was the grandstand we have come to expect from you.
The awnser he gave didnt even make no sense.
This is just a minor dissapointment-
I shall overcome it.
You shoud have lend weight to the question, added substance to it by stressing him by diggin in your heels!
After all thats your function as a journalist!
But quite the contrary you were like
"Let's leave it at that" instead of taking the chance to draw on abundant resources..
Nintendo to support Nibris.
"At end I want to thank in name of NIBRIS for interest and for scads letter's from fans. Thanks to you, Shigeru Miyamoto presages support for us. I can't hide that, this is a great honour for us. Stay Tuned"
Zelda to be perfect?
"Zelda is a project with a huge volume of people and complex game development procedures," so Miyamoto. "As soon as we decided to postpone the game from last year to this year and make the perfect Zelda, all the team were delighted to have the time to work on many ideas."
german source:
In my mind, the name of Revolution
refers to the last secret. So, if
Iwata is going to tell us the name,
he also will show us the last secret.
Only speculation, but it doesn´t make
sense to me, that we still don´t know
the real name.
Maybe we will finally get a name for the console. If we don't then I can't believe we're goin into E3 and gamers don't even know what the real name of this console is. I see no harm in confirming it. I'm pretty sure as secretive as Nintendo is the name will be somehow leaked before E3. I mean leaked not as in "insider" leaked but maybe it would be revealed in one of the magazines that releases before E3. I recall Twilight Princess's title being released before E3 throught Game Informer.
But anyways maybe if I don't like the name then I'll called it "The console formally known as revolution."
... i think you would even beat the hell out of any nintendo employee just to know more about revolution. you have to be careful with what you do a sa journalist because it may ruin your reputation if you go too far. being a journalist isn´t as easy as you may think...
Alda,Coldblooder bleib mal cool..Was heißt er muss aufpassen?er isn Journalist es ist seine Aufgabe nachzuhacken solang er ihm nicht am Arsch klebt gibts für sowas keine Ausreden er hätte sich ruhig die ei oder andere Frage Sparen können wenn du mich fragst!es ist doch unfaßbar wie leichtfüßig er ihn hat davonkommen lassen nach dem ganzen Hype.Oida,du kannst mich doch nicht verzählen daß es seinem Image geschadet hätte wenn er ihm -was weiß ich -noch eins zwei Fragen mehr gestellt hätte zu dem Thema..
Aber pfff was weiß ich mann vielleicht hat er sich auch einfach net getraut....
du kannst MIR
Beim Versuch einem Journalisten an das Bein zu pissen hast du dich meiner Meinung nach nur selbst nass gemacht...
Ich hoffe für dich und dein Umfeld, dass du dich verbal besser artikulieren kannst als schriftlich. Deine Posts sind ja unterstes AGGRO-Niveau - sowohl formell als auch inhaltlich. Pfui!
Bitte gehe wieder zur Schule. Falls du noch Schüler bist bitte deine Eltern dir Nachhilfeunterricht zu ermöglichen. Bitte beanspruche bis dahin die Hilfe einer kompetenten Person beim schreiben deiner Posts.
Mit freundlichem Gruß,
Ha,solltest dich mal hörn Tom.Das Problem ist nur, dass du ihm soeben selbst ans Bein gepisst hast weil du es scheinbar nicht auf die Reihe kriegst
dich auf Englisch zu "artikulieren".
Also wer von uns beiden ist hier der kultiviertere?
Aber ich muss schon sagen, du hast echt raus was das Artikulieren angeht..vielleicht sollt ich mir mal ne Scheibe abscheiden von deinen statischen,hochdeutschen Rede- Künsten-vielleicht verkork ichs mir dann nicht mehr so mit dir..
Aber mal Ernsthaft Tommy,dein Geplärre interessiert mich leider nicht die Bohne und ist letztenendes nunmal leider auch keinen einzigen Pfifferling wert.
Gut so Tommy,weiter so..
Dein grösster Fan
Oh mein Gott, da haben sich wohl wieder ein paar Fehler eingeschlichen:
Du hasts echt raus oder
du hast es..
und abschneiden natürlich..
Mei, sowas passiert halt mal wenn mann schnell und lustlos tippt.
Und? habe ich dich jetzt befriedigt Tom?
Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought that posts on this blog are supposed to be in English?
..Und du musst verstehen..ich bin nunmal ein lässiger Legasteniker, was auch erklärt warum ich "ernsthaft" unter Umständen gross schreibe.Ich hoffe dass du dafür Verständniss mitbringst und dass du dir auch im klaren darüber bist,dass mann sich über diese Krankheit nicht lustig macht.
Cool, dass du von ganz allein gemerkt hast, dass der Schreibstil in meinem vorigen Posting 'nen zynisch/sarkastischen Hintergrund hatte!
Abah jetzt ma' in echt hey: wenn du noch ma Tommy zu mir sagscht, hey, dann hey, piss ick disch ma' a ey!!! Hey wenn scho' dann sag "Herr Tom". Hey alles klar!?
Was guckscht du so? Hä, hä...
Ach vergiss es...
Peace man!
@ eithan
They aren´t discussing about Nintendo.
But anyway... you´re right.
Dass du Legasteniker bist hab' ich gerade erst jetzt gelesen. Bitte nicht mein letztes Posting wieder falsch verstehen...
Wahnsinn Tom! jemandem wie dir kann mann scheinbar echt keinen Bären aufbinden hey.Respekt alta!
Ohne scheiss Tom,ich muss schon sagen ,du bist zweifelsohne der lustigste hier im (virtuellen)Raum..
Halt die Ohren steif und lass dich nicht stressen..
Satoru Iwata een bom zal droppen !
Spannuund !
@ eithan
@ raphael
@ everyone else
OK, I'm going to stop writing bullshit you can't understand...
Sorry guys, this won't happen again!
Let's focus on speculations what the big bomb is which Iwata is going to drop at GDC. Maybe playable versions of the Revo at the Nintendo Interactive Lounge?
I hope so. This would give developers an idea of what the Revo will be capable, so they can go back to work with new inspiration.
Tom ?........
....Thank you.
Rumor has it that the official name/logo of the revolution will be unveiled at GDC. Seems to makes sense to me, gives people something but will leave out all technical specifications.
heeeeeey falafel
i guess i already asked that but now i have confermation as to when ill be visiting GC Germany, itll be from the 25. to the 27. of august
do u already know when u will have your interviews and meetings ?
maybe we could meet on one of those days to chat a little, because i know that ur time there will be precious :D
y para México ¿a qué hora será?
racista cerote culero
The time for South Australia should be 5am (because of Daylight Savings).
IALS German doesnt make any sense in German and his english doesnt make any sense in english so what can you do........
He is just trying to turn Fal's log to shit is all.
He's just trying to get some attention, and he's chosen the easy way to do so - by being a douchebag.
And he's also using some online translation engine like Babelfish to translate into German.
@ flaffi
kannst du nicht die ip von ials sperren? der kerl wird immer schlimmer...
such dir freunde
Brain please dont forget to drink your milk and eat your vegetables!
Its important for you.
Furthermore dont forget to clean your glasses..
Dont call him Flaffi Alex !IALS used to call him Flaffi!
Flaaaaaaffi !!!!wo bist du nur mein Held????
Gib dem IALS mal nen derben Conter!!!
I wonder what the b stands for in your Grandmaster selflabel
Oh,now I understand!Grandmaster bIATCH
I suppose.That makes sense.
Hi Falafelkid,
A pr fellow let this news slip here at GDC,surprisingly I should add:
But please keep quiet, its supposed to remain a secret until tomorrow.
"Nintendo Intention"
pssst keep things calm!
Thank you.
don't use my name, ials...
Matt: "Yes, they do! Just looking at this generation vs. when I was covering GameCube, there is a difference, definitely! There is more support for third partys and one thing that is happening for Revolution is, which wasn't happening on GameCube that third partys are just scrapping out ports. They are actually making ground up titles for Revolution and I know about a bunch of these and you are going to see a lot of them at launch. A good number of cool games you wouldn't expect on Revolution from third partys. I think that it's a good sign, Nintendo is reaching out and trying to get a good support for their system."
source: IGN podcast
Or, he could remove a lot of it simply by forcing everyone who wants to post here, to register first.
Iwata is only going to "confirm" Zelda controller use as the big news, like Miyamoto never said a peep. The only Rev game we'll see if Twilight princess to demonstrate the controller. He will praise brain training, nintendogs, animal crossing, maybe wario ware games, and hype the new strategy, just in time for sony to counter by advertising to moms and girlfriends when they release their pink PS3.
When did this blog get like this?
We use to have some serious and respectfull conversations, before some trolls and kids started to make this their playpen.
Now back on topic, if Nintendo doesn't keep Revolution, what could be as good or better? With the strong internet community, I don't think that it would be a good move for Nintendo to change the name now. We've been calling it the Revolution for the last 12 months and we used that name when we were talking to people on the net or in person.
I think that it's to late to make a name change at this point. The only thing I see is that they could play around with the full name for the system (Revolution something).
The only other name that I really liked for it's simplicity was the old "On" debate.
Por que no me chupan todos la vergaa???? la traigo bienn parada y quiero que me la chupen como si fuera cono de nieve. no sean culos una mamada de rriata nomas y ya!!!!
thank you so much for your input ials lol i can never be as annoying as you, and i would be able to contribute more if all these morons like ials would stop turning these comment sections into trash
Ok, now everybody is saying that tomorrow will be an event to watch. This is getting big.
Can Nintendo live to the hype? Will we get some answers?
- What's the second "big" secret?
- What's the final name?
- Is it coming out in June?
- Where are the games?
A bit less than 24 hours to go...
P.S. People, don't feed the trolls. They'll go away if you ignore them.
Eat my hairy man-gina!
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