We will see Revolution games within the next four weeks. First of all, IGN´s Matt Casamassina has pretty much confirmed that there will be Revolution news before E3 by posting the following on an IGN Insider board, freely available through GoNintendo:
You won’t have to wait for E3 for stuff, that much I can guarantee. GDC should be decent. And you’ll learn about and even see games prior to E3.
He has since reiterated that statement on an IGN Board open to the public:
Well, I happen to know the timelines for some releases and a few are happening in April. Supposing the schedules don't change -- at this point, I'd be near-impossible to move them -- you'll start to see stuff before E3.
Thirdly, there is Nintendo Power claiming they will have "the biggest scoop of the year so far" on the next edition´s cover. Here´s a scan, courtesy of GoNintendo:

And lastly, I myself can reveal that we will see Revolution games within the next four weeks, possibly much sooner. I may have posted this under the rumour heading, but this is fact. If you ask me, about time.
Source: IGN Insider boards (through GoNintendo), IGN boards
Image source: GoNintendo
Well E3 is in roughly 4 weeks from now anyway...whats a few more days.. But yaya Revolution!!
Where is this coming from? And who are the sources? I really dont trust IGN all that much. Good to hear...but Ive heard all this before.
I happen to believe it this time: The news is coming! When will the next Nintendo power be coming out anyway?
That means hopefully we'll be seeing games by the end of April instead of mid-May, not much difference, but hey, the sooner he better!
Now that you said this is a FACT I'm almost sure it'll be that way
Keep up the good work Fal
Man this sucks! I don't even have the current issue of Nintendo Power yet and I already want the next one in line!! I always seem to get the magazine after everyone else. I can't wait until the curtain is completely pulled aside at E3!!!!!!
The REMOTE bomb is actually going to explode then ?
Looks like BigTac is shooting off "info" about the revolution again on Revo-Europe.com forums.
Falafelkid: (Sorry for german) - Die GamePro hat auch ein Mega-Exklusiv-Game für das nächste Cover angekündigt! Da der Kasten der News LILA ist, gehe ich davon aus, dass es sich um ein Revolution-Spiel handelt! Vielleicht kannst du das ja als Edit hinzufügen! Danke
Check this site out!!!!
Matt has updated his blog. He said he'll post more details on Revolution tech specs tonight.
Hi everyone. Just a quick addition. Matt has just updated his blog:
Heads up, bloggers: I'll be posting some more detailed Revolution tech specs with tonight's IGN Revolution update. Very current, trusted, 100% legit info from extremely reliable sources.
Thanks to Fletcher from Connect Revolution for the link.
Sorry, Anonym. Didn´t see you posted this already ;)
Thank you for confirming this Falfelkid. Finally we will get some screen shots. Apparently the screen shots won't reveal the Revolution's final secret. If they did, Nintendo would never allow the leak. Hopefully something good comes from the tech spec leak tonight.
Don't jump off a cliff guys when you see those specs for the Revolution. We will see the games soon, so wait to pass judgement then.
Given that the GC specs looked like half the XBox specs, yet it still had games that looked almost as good as XBox games... we're looking at a system that is "2-3 times better than a Cube" or 2-3 times better than an XBox.
Also, first generation games on the Revolution will look awesome! If it's just like developing a GC game, then WoW! Could they launch early? Could they make games for real cheap? Could their first generation titles look like friggin THIRD generation titles?
Oh yeaaaaaaah....
~Carmine M. Red
Don't pass judgement until you see how these chips work TOGETHER to create games. I don't think you'll be so disappointed then.
first party games no more than $50, usb posible harddrive to be revield at E3
Re: Yankeehkm
Well, to begin with, there should be no ramp-up-time at all to developing with the Rev since it's so similar to the GC as Nintendo says. If any developer knows how to trick out a GC game, theoretically they should already know how to trick out a Rev game.
And besides, even if some third party developers are behind the curve a bit, you know Nintendo launch titles will be very polished in every respect.
A word about the specs of the GPU being an extension of the Flipper:
Revolution Report interviews ATI
Revolution Report: Is Hollywood based off Flipper, a current or upcoming PC architecture, or built from the ground up?
Swinimer: Hollywood is a specific design and is in no way reflective of PC technology. Even when the Flipper chips came out, people were asking that question: "Is this a spin-off of something done on the PC?", and the answer is no. It is designed the same as the Flipper was -- from the ground up for a specific console. Totally different sort of architecture from what you might find on the PC. Certainly, there are some underlying values?you know, how you get graphics on the screen?that's there. It's not, for example, like we took a PC design and said 'oh, you know what? If we tweak this and test this, it will work in a console.' [That's] not the case.
There you have it. The Revoltution Hollywood GPU is NOT an extension of the Gamecube Flipper GPU. Hollywood is similar to the Flipper only in that it has been built from the ground up. Thats all they have incommon according to ATI.
Who are you going to believe? Dev kit owners or the ATI themselves?
I forgot to post the link to the interview, here it is:
Just ignore specs for now. They don't even matter except in flame wars anyway.
you dont have any clue wat games these are do falafelkid?
These "specs" are still from the overclocked gamecube devkits. If you do a little maths, you see that these numbers exactly 1.5 times the gc numbers and i think these are the maximum the gc architcture is able to handle. Even if the revo architecture is based on the gamecube one, i think that the final specs will be higher than that. I expect some 2 ghz cpu and a 400 mhz gpu or something like that. Why else should they need a hyper-effiecent cooling technology? I think matt just tries again to make buzz for nothing. Remember, it's IGN. On E3 we will finally see what Nintendo is really able to do with Revolution! =)
in that focking picture say june 2006 learn to read gays
haha wow at your rudeness and dumbness...the months are always way off on Nintenod Power. You'll get the March issue in January, for example. The fact is that in even bigger font in that "focking picture" it says "NEXT MONTH". And that means next issue. And the only way to have that image is if that issue (April 2006) has been released, which it has (I have it). Falafelkid and everyone else here is right, and you're an ignoramous.
Keep up the good work, Falafelkid!
OMN is supposed to release some info next month. E3 is close. We're always waiting.
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