While I don´t normally post weekly sales charts, the past week in Japan has been a remarkable one for Nintendo. Not only does the DS continue to outsell the PSP by more than five to one, the software charts are just as amazing. Every single title in the top ten is a DS game. See for yourself, courtesy of the NeoGAF forums:
01 NDS FF3 - 503.051 / NEW
02 NDS NEW SMB - 65.556 / 2.901.264
03 NDS Rune Factory - 42.210 / NEW
04 NDS Brain Age 2 - 41.784 / 3.073.195
05 NDS Cooking Navi - 37.326 / 384.045
06 NDS Tamagotchi 2 - 30.504 /430.933
07 NDS Mario Basketball 3on3 - 30.355
08 NDS Animal Crossing WW - 30.023 / 3.149.131
09 NDS Brain Age - 22.866 / 2.736.150
10 NDS English Training - 17.465
1. Nintendo DS Lite 163.274
2. PlayStation Portable 29.945
3. PlayStation 2 21.829
4. GameBoy Advance SP 2.719
5. GameBoy Micro 1819
6. Xbox 360 1197
7. Nintendo GameCube 837
8. Nintendo DS 410
9. GameBoy Advance 14
10. Xbox 12

Of course, the DS´ amazing success will not necessarily be mirrored by Wii. However, it is important to note that when the DS was originally announced, most people (including myself) thought that Nintendo had finally flipped. And the Wii controller was just as crazy an idea when it was unveiled pretty much a year ago. So if quirkyness is the winning formula, then Nintendo is just about to launch another winner.
Source: NeoGAF forums
Thanks to: Joystiq
Just a quick note concerning code of conduct: please don´t double-post. If you do, please delete one of the two comments yourself, so one remains in your preferred location, i.e. under your preferred post. If not, I will have to delete it for you. Thanks for your attention.
Delete the one on the old topic but not on the new one !
Good afternoon,good evening,good morning,good what ever it is.
This is the IALS you know who this is.
Now we got that out the way ,
I'm here today to talk about Metroid Prime.
Let me just tell you,I have known Nintendo for over fifteen years,I know how they get down,I know how they do what they do.
What I want you to do right now, is get in to the mind of
Metroid Prime!
When I tell you that something is hot you better believe that shit is hot
After watching the speed run of Metroid Prime something became quite clear to me again namely, that it successor never came close to match its predecessors quality in any possible way one could think of!Metroid Prime 2 never matched the stroke of genius that was Metroid Prime!
And if you never played it,you owe it to yourself as a gamer just as much as you owe it to Nintendo as a fan to play this game!
People, believe me, I don't just endorse any type of bullshit or put my name or put my image on something just because!
I'm tellin you this game is hot I have known Nintendo for many years!
Takin it back to the Super Mario Bros. days when gameplay was king, Nintendos' first party Retro has continued on and done their thing, and this is the combination of all it right hear:
Metroid Prime volume one.
This is what you are supposed to listen to supposed to play!Retro Studios,Metroid Prime, David "Zoid" Kirsch!
Let me just sit back and feel this Metroid Prime environment right here on Youtube speedrun!
Zoid I feel you man holla at me!
Once again,I'm tellin you this game is hot I have known Nintendo for many years.
Everybody should learn a lesson from this game.
Metroid Prime truely showcased the power of Gamecube and the impact of art in general.
It combines both sides of the end to dliver one of the most vivid worlds ever conceived.
Don't forget this game.
This is the reason why I'm still addicted to games!
Metroid Prime is magic!And When I tell you that something is hot you better believe that shit is hot.
The IALS looks back and pays homage to one of the finest moments in gaming history ever!
Thanks for your attention.
Take a gander at this:
Delete the one on the old topic but not on the new one !
If you want a specific one to be kept, it´s your responsibility to delete it. If you cannot do so yourself because you are commenting anonymously, I do think the magic word is in order here. I´m just asking everyone here to be courteous, please.
Hi Falafelkid,
I was just wondering if you tell people you get the chance to interview of your blog!
Thats all
GI: It’s assumed that if you do console development it’ll be on the most powerful systems – Xbox 360 and PS3. What do you think of Wii?
Yerli: I love the Wii (laughs). When I was at E3 and playtested it, I loved it. I thought about how we could do games for this platform and what kind of games they would be, and what kind of shooters we could do on it, and work it to our own needs here. Yes we’ve had some thoughts, but Crysis is not part of the plan at this stage, but that may change.
We are a company that takes one step at a time, and once we achieve the goal that we want to achieve then we take the next step and see what the next platform we go with next. We did not decide if we’ll do PS3 at all. We have all of the development kits, and we have research going on. We have the Wii, Xbox 360, and PS3, we work as researchers and test them, essentially. We have parts of these systems running because there is going to be console development in our company, but if it’s going to be Crysis or not is a step ahead of us. Because if we go to fast we sacrifice quality on PC, and I want to make sure it’s the best PC shooter we can do. With our company our goal is to make it the best shooter of all time. Once we achieve that, our achievement is we do our best and that’s it. Whether we do it our not is to be determined. Once we are there, then we’ll take the next step.
GI: Crytek is known to have made stunningly beautiful games, and while you can sort of experience them on lesser hardware, if you have the quad-SLI setup, and three gigs of RAM and a super fast processor it’s going to look incredible. With looking at what the Wii has under the hood, does that discourage you as a developer?
Yerli: No, not at all, because I think we can make great visuals by different means. Look at the PS2. Some PS2 games still look fabulous. And there are games that are just stylized perfectly. You can achieve anything with every hardware. I think it’s a matter of artistic direction, how you use the limitations. That ultimately is the experience you want to give. The experiences in Crysis drives the art direction. The experience of the frozen environments, the experience of interactivity, then we decide how we want it to come across visually. What do we need to do, how far do we need to go? With the Nintendo Wii the approach will be similar. We have this great controller, we have the limited power of the console, How we can make a confined space or large outdoor level, whatever, how can we make the best out of the controller that’s giving the experience that we want to give? Completely fluid interactivity – how can we do that? I think it would be a completely different approach, and it deserves to be as well. So, if it our decision to make Crysis for Wii, if and I don’t want to be quoted saying we’ll do it. But if – if we would do it, it would have to be a completely optimal version, but it would be great. (laughs)
The DS is a real succes! And its a proof that innovation is more important that just graphics. If the Wii will follow the DS...lets op so. I just have this feeling all the time there is still more..
Maybe that's because i was kinda disapointed at the E3 in 2005, and about this years GameConvention. But i still hope there's something cool we're going to see. sept. 14 will be the day =D
Falafelkid, I'm just wondering.
I heard lots of crazy stuff.
Like an "I-adapter" that the Wii's graphics are better or equil then the Xbox360. ect. With all respect, the Wii is a great system but these things sound like bullshit. I guess you never heard something like the I-adapter? :s
Hi Anonymous.
I was just wondering if you tell people you get the chance to interview of your blog!
I have done so on occasion, but rarely. There´s usually little time for chitchat and if there is, I usually discuss other matters. I recollect that I told Miyamoto about it, but he didn´t know it ;) As if...
Hi Cyriel.
I guess you never heard something like the I-adapter? :s
I have. Wasn´t that some bullshit that Osoko Tanaka posted once?
"I have done so on occasion, but rarely. There´s usually little time for chitchat and if there is, I usually discuss other matters. I recollect that I told Miyamoto about it, but he didn´t know it ;) As if... "
I got a feeling :(http://youtube.com/watch?v=XYzbUnhTkAc)
since GoNintendo has established itself as a very popular Nintendo site(an official Nintendo Magazine editor posted something there in the comments section just today)
You know they quote you now and then..I could imagine people being aware of your blog!
Hey falafelkid.
I have. Wasn´t that some bullshit that Osoko Tanaka posted once?
Sow you know him !?
Darn, i always thought that Tanaka was an insider who knew lots stuff.
But then hey posted fake pictures ect.
So...you think there's still a secret? something beside the controller? Because of all those rumours i don't know what to believe :S
Falafel, wichtige Nachrichten!
Gamefront.de meldet:
Japan: Wii-Veranstaltung am 14.09.06
01.09.06 - Nintendo wird eine Wii-Präsentation am 14.09.06 in Japan abhalten. Das meldet Yahoo Japan unter Berufung auf die Zeitung Kabushiki Shinbun.
Auf dem Treffen können Teilnehmer verschiedene Wii-Titel spielen, ebenso soll der Preis der Konsole ein Thema sein.
Falafel, weißt du was darüber?
@ Drum Eagle: I guess, it's official now, that the price and Launchdate will be announced this time!
Bet: 100 € - who's with me ;-)
199 USD. The Price is Right.
199€ baby. even though i would still consider 249€ a possibility, so i won´t be that shocked when it really costs 249€. but maybe wii comes in bundles...
bundle1: wii basic for 149€
wii + wiimote + nunchuck + demo disc
bundle2: wii plus 199€
wii + wiimote + nunchuck + demo disc + wiisports + stand + cupon for 2 VC games of your choice
bundle3: wii premium 249€
wii + wiimote + nunchuck + demo disc + wiisports + stand + cupon for 4 VC games of your choice and an extra game (zelda ftw)
something like that would be very nice
Some great news! Check it out Fal.
"The representative went on to quash rumours that have recently emerged on the net regarding possible production delays, apparently due to difficulties with manufacturing the Wii's remote controller.
"The reports are entirely rumour and speculation. I can confirm that the Wii is very much on course for a Q4 release, as Nintendo originally stated," the spokesperson said."
Hey fal, did you hear about this?
Japan now has their Sept 14th press conference.
Eithan, as I speculated they were just rubbish or very old.
By the way Fal isnt the only one who exists here!
Well, I'm glad that Nintendo confirmed it is rubbish. And, yes, I do know that Fal's not the only one around. I guess I was addressing him because it's his blog and all.
Good news all around. I can't wait til the 14th!
event also for japan.lets hope they deliver this time!com on nin!say the god damn release date and price!
Nintendo deserve every last bit of success they recieve for the Nintendo Ds. Fantastic machine.
Well he knows what he is creating by saying that so lets hope he hasnt exaggerated otherwise all the sooks will be whinging again.
It seems like every time we actually find out anything remotely interesting about the development of Duke Nukem Forever, it comes through the medium of 3D Realms' staff arguing with fans on Internet forums. It almost makes you hanker for the good old days of press releases, interviews, screenshots... Remember all that stuff? Ahh.
This time out, the monthly DNF spat has been kicked off by a report at Shacknews which claimed that 3D Realms is haemorrrhaging development staff at a worrying rate - naming seven employees who have left the company recently, four of whom have gone off to work for Brothers in Arms developer Gearbox Software.
Needless to say, this news kicked off intense speculation over the future of the lifetime award winner for Most Ironically Named Videogame, which is now rapidly approaching the tenth anniversary of its original announcement back in April 1997. Among our favourite rumours from the bunch are the claim that all 3DR staff have contracts which say they can't leave until the game is finished, so this means that Duke must be ready to ship out any minute now; and the one which says that the staff walked out after discovering that yet another total rewrite and redesign of the game is on the cards.
However, 3D Realms founder George Broussard popped up on Shacknews' forums to assure the Duke's now-a-decade-older fans that things are still rosy on the project.
"Physics and animation systems are virtually finished and shippable," he commented. "It's simply maintenance and polish from here on out. We haven't needed to make substantial changes to those systems in months. The changes we have made, were made without great effort."
"Things are never as bleak as they appear," he continued, "as is often the case when you simply have one side of the story." We continue to await Duke Nukem Forever with bated breath, a pastime which has claimed the lives of countless respirationally-challenged videogame journalists in the last ten years.
Hi and thanks to everyone for alerting me to the Japanese event. I had seen the news already, but since I am away for the weekend, I couldn´t post it yet.
Interestingly enough, I had been right with my initial assumption (that there would be an NCL event to start the series of announcements) and my source at the GC, telling me that no such event was planned in Japan, was evidently wrong.
So we are going to find out what we want to know before the NOA event, though only by a few hours. If I can get hold of a time at which the NCL event is due to start, I will correct the countdown at the top of the page.
Lastly, get ready for another Live Chat event to take place late on Monday night, around midnight CET (which is 6pm Eastern). Hope to speak to you then.
What kind of live chat if I may ask?
With you ?
Just watched hi-res BW2 videos and I have to say the graphics look very basic and simple.
They suck.
This is supposed to be a next-gen game.
Come on kujo.
Something must be wrong with you guys.
This doesnt even match the Gamecube outing.
Very confusing and sad indeed.
Im wondering if its just due to devs not giving a fuck about the visuals at all?
They look good, dont know what your problem is. I havent seen a lot of current gen graphics but enough to know it is a bit of a step above.
And what I find annoying is that the graphics arent crap. No one should see them that way, they just arent as good as PS3. It has come to that point where you cant call a game like this with crap graphics, they just arent as good as the best.
And that my friend is what non gamers and the mass will see because it is simply that way.
First of all, sorry for my English. I was reading that the redesign of the psp its practically a fact (sony denies it, but specializated magazine confirms it). Now, you remember the chinesse article who talks about problems in the production on the wii controller?, well, in the same article they were talking about the factory was producing the new psp (and they had issues too). All this was before the confirmation (unofficial) of the redesing of the PSP. For me, this confirm the source of the chinesse article!.
the manufactoring problems of the wiimote have already benn denied.
Stop spamming anonym
I had that idea long before you!
Or was it my alter ego IAL-SPAMMER ;)??
Yo kid what up?
You like Dangerdoom?
ColdBlooder, Do you have a link for that?
Thankyou in advance
yes, i have a link for that:
takes you to gamegamesindustrie.biz with a statement from an NoE representative
ds is owning. next week, the onyx ds launches in japan, and it won't be long until AAA titles roll in week after week: yoshi2, kirby, zelda, tales, castlevania, etc etc etc.
i expect these numbers to just keep increasing through the holiday season.
nintendo needs more "Touch Generation" titles, though. i'm finding it difficult to find games in which i think my dad will be interested. looking forward to "clubhouse games" though. it'll be cool to play that with him online at night.
ials: dangerdoom... awesome. my favorites are "crosshairs" and "benzie box".
-"superfan" tactics.
Hi everyone. Just a comment regarding my link list.
It saddens me to find that the otherwise reliable blog Nintendo Centrum has accepted Mr. Rebus (of No End Soon infamy) into their midst. Although he doesn´t seem to post a lot, I was forced to reclassify the blog under the bad heading. I simply cannot visit the blog daily to check who is posting what. And there is no arguing about the person in question.
I still encourage people to visit the blog for reliable information. But you must check the author first. I simply feel better calling a blog that contains a lot of good posts and potentially a few really bad ones bad.
Announcing his participation on the blog, he posted a photo of himself alongside the words: "This is the only image you are likely to see of me, and I, like the little known company we all love - like to maintain an air of mystery.." No, Rebus. There is something in the air, alright, but it ain´t mystery. Anyway. At least the photo is proof that the kid is barely 18. We may forgive him for being an obnoxious faker.
Red still website is up!
Its the E3 video!
Its funny to see actually that the game still hasnt surpassed the pc prototype version showcased in that video which by the way isnt of astonishing untouchable quality either!
See for yourself:
Ubi I have lost faith in you or the wii hardware respectively!
How can Mario look good and your game doesnt even match Die Hard on GameCube?
Something must be wrong with you guys!
Either that or the Wii hardware is less powerful than GameCube!
Maybe Marios visual edge is possible only due to it taking place in space you know due to it avoiding rendering land.Whatever.Matter of fact is Wii-suals leave something to be desired unfortunately!
It could also be the half assed approach of devs. or the late kit-transaction.Who knows?
The graphics suck!I don't hold my breath for nothing!Its a daunting affair I'm afraid to say.
You look forward to Nintendos next step with enthusiasm expecting them to learn of their mistakes wiping the slate clean with a vital new strategy and image,but all you get is well tried sequels,unsufficient hardware,unfulfilled word,and an up and coming controller for your infinite patience and tolerance!
Nintendo better hits the road at the September 14 event before Sony and Microsoft gives them the coup de grace.
Yup, Red Steel really is one pretty game. I mean it already looked good in early April, when there were only versions running on PC and Gamecube hardware, respectively. And the trailers available on the official sites are still off of those early builds. So just imagine what the game will look like now... great graphics, for sure. And that´s not even mentioning gameplay. I simply cannot wait until I can handle the katana. Let me tell you that the shooting range level we were allowed to play in April was already so much fun gameplay-wise that I played it through about ten times.
@graphics whore
You have a point there.
I am not sure how Nintendo wants to justify the lack of spec information to potential buyers.
I am entitled to know what exactly I pay for.
It's ridiculous.
Just because Nintendo is ashamed of themselve for not being able to compete is not reason enough to keep things under their hat?
Woul you buy a Ferrari for 300 000$
with undisclosed engine details just to find out that it holds 150 PS in the end?
is reason enough
"I mean it already looked good in early April, when there were only versions running on PC and Gamecube hardware, respectively."
Kid seriously,
First of all the trailer on the official site is of the pc version and not the GameCube versio unless Ubi worked wonders on GameCube which is unlikely!
Secondly I am not sure maybe it was sarcasm from where you sit but what Graphics-whore was pointing out as I understand it was that the recent Leipzig version didnt match the pc prototype one which bodes ill for the end product unless serious polishing appears on the agenda for the remaing month(s)
Thanks for clarifying my point
Just to give everyone a flavour of the impressive visuals Red Steel currently boasts, please see this YouTube clip courtesy of IGN (through GoNintendo). There are better quality GC vids of that game directly on the IGN page. Check out the Tokyo streets level. That easily looks as good as PDZ on Xbox360.
The IGN editor from the first clip agrees: "Look at the bloom lighting and the way that comes through the screen there. It looks really nice. I do wish this was in high-def other than just 480p widescreen, but it still looks great regardless and I´m playing it on a plasma right now."
Kid you can not be serious!
Furthermore,Ubi was quick to point out that the Leipzig version didnt have the splendor in full effect as it was merly a touched up version!
The reaction from Ubi was due to the disaffection voiced and making waves on various message boards concerning the scant Red Steel visuals.That alone speaks volumes my dear friend Falafel.
See for yourself on Matts Ign blog.
Oh, and if you cannot appreciate the visual quality of that game, I´d say that you´re invited to a party.
...and here is the invite!
@graphics whore
You have a point there.
I am not sure how Nintendo wants to justify the lack of spec information to potential buyers.
I am entitled to know what exactly I pay for.
It's ridiculous.
Just because Nintendo is ashamed of themselve for not being able to compete is not reason enough to keep things under their hat?
Woul you buy a Ferrari for 300 000$
with undisclosed engine details just to find out that it holds 150 PS in the end?
Yes I would buy a Ferrari for $300,000 and do you know why? Because it is a Ferrari, people know and respect the brand and know what they will be buying will be great.
Stupid argument. Nintendo is a different case altogether. Either way I know I will get a decent console, Nintendo have never undelivered. But this is more debateable.
Anyway to the graphics whore, why cant you display your real screen name?
And wait till the final build is released, then you can come back and sook and whing like the narrow minded person that you are all you want.
If I want to buy a game just to look at it I may as well be at the movies instead. Yes I do identify that graphics 'can' make games more immersive at times but geese Red Steel graphics are not to puke on the floor over thus far.
Either way; good art is more important and I think its more appreciated. Good graphics wow you until you get used to it the first few days or whatever, but the bigger thing is if the game is worth playing thereafter. Lets hope for your moneys worth it is on the PS3.
And if moving to the bad category on your site is bad look at this Nintendo-Centrum.com
Obviously, that is not of my creation and is not endorsed by me.
Falafelkid, I have brought Rebus on board as a news/commentator with the promise of no bogus news by him. Is this false hope? Who knows, but his last couple of posts outside his picture creations were neither false nor extravagant BS.
However, if you feel my blog should be placed under the bad category that is fine. I understand your reasoning but I cannot help that.
Have you seen this? Perhaps those kiosks images from Wii/PS3 are finally proved as true:
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golden goose sneakers
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off white
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