It´s time to comment on the upcoming NOA event on the 14th. As all of you know, IGN´s Matt Casamassina has published an invitation to this showcase event
on his blog, promising
´a celebration of videogames´ and the opportunity to
´experience our upcoming line up with Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime´.
This event is to take place on the 14th of September in New York, starting at 8:30am. I will not disclose the location, but it is known to me. I myself will not attend, since this is an event by Nintendo of America. However, I believe we might not even have to wait this long.
At Leipzig, I have been told that the Wii launch announcement will definitely be forthcoming before the Tokyo Game Show. Not only that, I have been told that the announcement will be very soon. Also, common sense dictates that Nintendo of America will not break the long-awaited news on the console. Nintendo Co. Ltd. of Kyoto will.
I expect that NCL is already scheduling a similar event to take place in Kyoto or Tokyo, hosted by Miyamoto and Iwata. This will either take place just before the NY event or well in advance. It cannot take place at the same time, because when the NY event starts, it will already be 10:30pm in Tokyo. NCL may also want the original launch announcement to take a different form entirely. But my guess is, again, that it could be a cooperation with a television station, perhaps similar to the Xbox360's unveiling on MTV.
Now, the second (and most amusing) point of business is this one: a number of pages have surfaced via
GoNintendo, allegedly a draft version of Reggie´s speech to be held at the event described above. Here are the scans:

Don´t bother to read them, though. Because this is the worst attempt at faking a speech I have ever seen in my life. While people have pointed out that the creases are exactly the same for every page and the letters appear unaffected by them, there is a much more obvious way of telling this is hopelessly fake. Whoever wrote this has sub-zero English writing skills. Allow me to pick out a few quotes:
"What I hope to do today is to give you a very different type of presentation than what you´re used to."
"One through the perspective of both the consumer and the developer."
Double ouch. It´s
´from the perspective´, mate.
"For many years our industry has been going down."
Down what? The stairs? A proper speaker would use words like
"Just look at the picture behind me."
A pretty picture? Or a chart?
"DS is outselling PSP with big numbers."
Me Tarzan, you Jane.
"DS hardware sells every week more than all the other game consoles combined."
This should read:
´sells more every week´.
"... which is in development for more then two years now."
Now, this takes the biscuit. Only children cannot differentiate between the comparative
´than´ and the temporal
´then´. No marketing person in the world would make this mistake.
This is the worst fake I have ever, ever come across. If the faker reads this: please go back to school. Still, very entertaining.
Sources: IGN blogs, GoNintendo
Thanks to: .Shy