There will not be unified gamer tags or codes for Wii online games. Users will have to register with each title separately, as is already the case with the DS and the Wii´s first online title, ´Pokemon Battle Revolution´.
This exclusive information comes from GameSpy´s PR people after I asked them to go into the details of them providing the Wii´s online service. Here is the correspondence:
Falafelkid: I would like to know if I am right in assuming that the features mentioned (friend rosters, advanced matchmaking capabilities and comprehensive rankings data) suggest a single, unified online platform for each console, rather than one which is dependent on individual games (as is the case with the DS).
GameSpy: GameSpy’s technology does allow for features that could span multiple games. With the Nintendo Wii, however, the multiplayer features are title-specific.
Falafelkid: But is that the case for all Wii online titles across the board?
GameSpy: Yes, that is the case for Wii titles.
Falafelkid: Just one last question to make absolutely sure I have got this right, please. If I have a friend roster in one game, that roster will not be available to me in any other game. I have to build up an entirely new list for each title, right?
GameSpy: The answer to your question is yes, for the Wii friend lists are game specific.

Now, I must say that I am baffled. The Wii itself already has a friend list. Online games could simply tap into that list. Why make things more difficult? Of course, difficult is not always bad. I have previously said that I believe friend codes are at least partially a good idea, if only to differentiate Nintendo´s ´Wi-Fi Connection´ from Microsoft´s fantastic ´Live´ service.
They do, in fact, even enable certain gameplay elements that would not work in any other environment. Consider the tacit exchange of user-generated content in games like ´Animal Crossing: Wild World´. A good example of that is your animals automatically picking up slogans your friends taught their animals. If it was not for friend codes guaranteeing a common denominator, your animals would suddenly start to say things you would not want them to say.
So friend codes can be a good idea, I believe. But it is entirely unnecessary to use individual codes and lists for each game. That only complicates online communication further without any tangible benefit as far as the service or the gameplay offered by it are concerned.
Commenting on ´Pokemon Battle Revolution´ in December, IGN did not understand that decision either.
Strangely, despite the Wii hardware having its own friend list, Battle Revolution uses its own, independent friend list. (...) We're not sure if Nintendo's policy of minimizing interaction with strangers will change, but future titles will hopefully include chat features, get rid of the lag, and tap into the Wii's built in friend list.
Any such hope that remained seems to have died today. However, we do not yet know if Nintendo will indeed use friend codes across the board. Remember that this exclusive information contains no news about the use of friend codes.
If Nintendo were to do away with such codes for most games, the service could be likened to the state of the PlayStation network up until the current generation (each PS3 apparently has a unified online identity which is used for all online games).
However, if Nintendo were to go ahead and implement friend codes for most of their online games, alongside the game-specific system we have just learned about, building up a friend list would simply become a chore with every new title you purchase.
EDIT As might have been expected, the news sent shockwaves through the community. Here is some guest commentary from other sites that carried this story and kindly linked to it.
For Nintendo to doggedly approach online gaming in this manner is inexcusable for a next-gen console manufacturer. Let's hope the backlash from the official announcement of this issue will help to convince them of that.
Nintendo should send free batteries for the time it's going to take to punch the numbers in. But, will the inevitable hardcore uproar cause Nintendo to change their stance on this? Probably not.
Oh dear. (...) We were hoping Pokemon Battle Revolution, confirmed to have an individual code would be a freak occurrence, it seems not.
Uh-oh…I think this is going to make a lot of people angry... myself included.
The mere prospect leaves us depressed and in a need of a rainbow or something to cheer us up. The Wii maintains an internal friends list as is; why can't games simply access said list and use it universally across the platform? Why, Nintendo, why?
Nintendo Wii Fanboy
There will not be unified gamer tags or codes for Wii online games. Users will have to register with each title separately, as is already the case with the DS and the Wii´s first online title, ´Pokemon Battle Revolution´.
If this is the case, why has Nintendo waited so long to get things running? It makes absolutely no sense to delay online gaming if it was simply the same system as the DS’s…
Sigh…I understand the whole basis for using the Friend Code system. Really, Nintendo has good intentions in doing so. Then again, the politicians had good intentions with the No Child Left Behind Act. Unfortunately, the Friend Code system, like NCLB, is not practical.
The Tanooki
Nintendo have kept very quiet regarding the online multiplayer features of the Wii, so we still need some kind of confirmation from them.
Ew. The first online title in the US will be Pokemon Battle Revolution, coming June 25. Hopefully Nintendo will work out a better solution, or at least allow you to individually import friends from your Wii master list. Because if not, this bites.
All has been going astoundingly well for Nintendo and its Wii thus far, however the company has now dropped arguably the biggest ball yet.
Well damn it, Nintendo. If this is actually the case, my aspirations of playing any Wii games online are dead to me. Nintendo won't even let their own forum users share friend codes via private messages, for God's sake.
Wii games will utilise a game-specific friends list - that means you'll need your mummy and daddy's permission to exchange codes with you friends. Tripe!
Wii UK
This awkward system is unlike the Xbox 360 and PS3, both of which apply a single friend list, stored within the console's front-end firmware, to all online games.
Is this likely to be changed in a future system update? We're awaiting a reply from Nintendo UK but we seriously doubt it.
Were not just talking certain games that also connect to DS here (i.e. Pokemon Battle Revolution), we're talking all games. Our team on the inside has yet to penetrate the GameSpy vault to confirm or deny the rumor, but what a rancid, partially substantiated rumor this is. Keep hope alive?
We asked Nintendo UK whether we were missing something; whether there was some obvious reason for going down this route rather than adopting the unified approach that has become a console gaming standard, but were simply told, "Nintendo has taken this step as we believe it's the right thing to do."
If this is true, it's a tragedy. I have trouble remembering my apartment number.
This means that your buddies in Mario E Revolution: Mario Hits Ibiza won’t be able to find you in Unresponsive Racing Game GT. (...) What is the result of this fairly innocuous news? SHOCKWAVES, friends. SHOCKWAVES in the community. Fanboys! To the ramparts!
Rather than provide one friend list applicable for all Wii online games though, as is the case with many of the other formats, Nintendo has decided to stick with the current set up: users still have to make their friends list for every game played.
Considering that the Wii already has an established online community by way of the Miis, the decision to make friends lists game-specific is coming off as rather strange.
Time to figure out who your friends really are, because you're going to be spending a lot of time entering them onto your lists over and over again.
I'm not sure how backlashes begin, but I think they may start with posts like this one and end with all of us in a group shouting "rabble rabble rabble!" at Nintendo headquarters. So get ready for that. There may be torches involved.
Ars Technica
UGH (...) What will Ozy* say?
N´Gai Croal´s Level Up
* Microsoft´s André Vrignaud
EDIT As far as friend codes are concerned, GameSpy has refused to comment, stating: "We really can’t speak for Nintendo and their plans."
1 – 200 of 261 Newer› Newest»Oh god. The DS has terrible online. I guess they're just going to keep that horrible set up.
errr.... what about the japanese Version of "Elebits"? It does use the Wii-Friendslist, doesn't it?
i know that Elebits uses the Wii-connect 24 to send edited levels to people on your friends list
Lets hope they just use the elebits loophole. This is dreadful news though...I hope they change it, or Gamespy was mistaken and thinking of the DS or something stupid like that...ugh, sad day...
Repeat after me: F U Nintendo. Thanks!
Oh, yay, I love tedious repetition. Doesn't everyone?
Am I understanding correctly, though, that the use of Gamespy's technology will allow for anonymous matchmaking? In any competitive online game, one of the greatest features is being able to beat the snot out of total strangers.
Elebits doesn't have online play, its just accessign wiiconnect 24 not actually playing over teh network. Thers a difference i guess.
Grab defeat from the jaws of Victory, Nintendo!
Why, oh, why are you make such retarded decisons!?
I accidentally disabled comments on this post and only just realised it. As you can see, it´s back up. Sorry, still figuring out those new options after changing my blog to the new system.
This doesn't necessarily mean that you will have individual friend codes for each game, just that you have to build a list of friends for each game. It could still use the same friend code for each one. I guess we'll find out eventually...
So lame, why do I have to do it every time I buy a new game, I have had to do it just to send messages back and forward to my firends already. It just creates unessary work. I mean we already have a friends list built with our console numbers that we have shared already..so why bother creating the absolute worst thing ever. We already have a secure friends list with console numbers...so why create more...if this is true like everyone else said...SO LAME!!!
While it does suck to put it in for every game, you dont have to if you just want to play anybody and be placed in a room that isnt filled yet. Maybe pokemon battle revolution is the exception as it uses your DS to link up and then uses your pokemon, making it needed to use a DS style friend code.
falafelkid I have a question. This ONLY refers to the friend LISTS correct? Or does that pretty much not mean its any better than what the DS does online?
There should be an easy way to transfer data between games, I smell an online hack coming that will make this not a problem. Having different friend lists for different games makes sense though because not everyone one is going to have Super Bloody Tournament 3 or Hypercraft 2, having the same friends on the list for those games wouldn't make sense if they don't have them.
I'm thinking its not going to be nearly as bad as what people are saying or thinking.
Glad you're back Falafelkid ! Even with bad news :^D
i gues nintendo cant get everything right, but who can
You have to wonder if anyone at Nintendo actually plays their games online.
Think about it for a second, every comment ever made about the DS online was a negative one. Yes the fact online is available is a good thing, but it's so slow, clunky and painstaking to use that nobody expects a decent service.
When you lower expectations like that Nintendo thinks, well they must be happy. Actually no we are dumb-founded.
I know it's too soon to say how this will really work, but rest assured if this plays out like the DS online you can pretty much measure up for that Wii coffin now.
"i guess nintendo cant get everything right, but who can"
Oh come on people stop making excuses, if you bought a car without seeing it run. You were promised it be great when finished. Then it turns out it has a gerbil in a wheel for an engine, you wouldn't shrug it off and say well people make mistakes.
Nintendo have been warned about this and still they insist in going against the whole "Wii" philosophy by gimping their console.
Watch the Nintendo stock fall this morning :)
Why did they bother marketing the Wii as a console about sharing gaming experiences?
In reality they want us to feel like we are detached from the world and playing against other faceless apparent gamers.
If the experience feels the same as playing offline against AI only slower (just like the DS) then why bother!?!
Mi Metaldave.
falafelkid I have a question. This ONLY refers to the friend LISTS correct? Or does that pretty much not mean its any better than what the DS does online?
Strictly speaking, it refers to friend lists only. But I am wondering if it might not mean that Wii´s online system will mirror the DS´s.
Hi Anonymous.
Watch the Nintendo stock fall this morning :)
Quite the contrary. Nintendo stock is up more than one percent. While hardcore gamers may care greatly about this revelation, casual gamers - and, consequently, investors will not attach much significance to features like this.
The Wii is a runaway success compared to its competitors and no complicated online system can take that away.
Man...Why? Just why? Why can it not be as simple as XBL?
Why can Nintendo not let us access the Wii's directory with all the friend codes and then drag and drop them into each game? It's possible if we cab persuade Nintendo.
back in december, I created a website called sharewiis.com which has helped many wii owners to find each other--the user interface and tools are designed specifically to facilitate friend code exchange, not just a forum or a map of wii owners.
It was designed to be flexible so that it helps you find Wii system owners as well as DS game codes, including individual wii game friend codes, should the system ever become a reality.
unlike some other code sharing websites that has sunken into a dormant state after the initial wii mania, sharewiis has continued to grow at a constant rate with people continually revisiting the site because it has really helped them find other wii owners.
here is what someone who has used sharewiis.com has to say about it:
This is a strange approach for a console that is completely designed around the idea of "simplicity."
wtf...if it is going to be the same as the DS system, why the hell didn't we have online games ready to go at launch? I have to keep hoping because like I said, there is no reason to delay on online plan that has already existed for quite some time before the wii was ever released.
The reason for the delay? Most likely Nintendo wanted to be the first with online games on the system.
Nintendo has a long standing problem with feeling they are in direct competion with their 3rd parties. This is one of the reasons why most 3rd party software on Nintendo consoles turns out to be the dregs of gaming software. While companies like Microsoft will share the best APIs, tools and libraries with 3rd parties, and are happy to do so, Nintendo is still stuck in the 1980s and feel that not only do they not have to, but that they are in direct competition with these same 3rd parties.
This was the kind of thinking that killed SEGA Saturn, by the way. SEGA made huge mistakes with Saturn, but they could have recouped and Sony's execs at the time figured they would. What ultimately killed the Saturn was SEGA thinking of 3rd parties as direct competition and continually treated them that way . . . as one by one, they all migrated to Sony who treated the much better (at the time).
So yeah, even though Nintendo is using the same online system on Wii they used on DS, and could, should have had online games at launch, the desire to be the first on the system to have online games, is the most likely reason they delayed the launch of the network until they were ready.
Sad, sad, sad.
Why does not someone organise an online petition for a usable online code system?
We need to gather attention.
Shortly: stupid. It looks like they were unprepared for online gaming...
Jeanne, what on earth is that PS3 with a cock in the picture about on your blog?
I cant read Polish (I believe its Polski by the look of it).
Japan have dismal Wii numbers, is there a MP slowdown or a shortage?
This is really dumb. The Friend code system would actually be bareable if it used the consoles' address book, but to have new codes for every game is tedious to say the least.
I built up my address book specifically so I had a nice healthy list ready for when games go live. Now I'm pretty much being told I wasted my time.
Hi Grandmaster B.
Japan have dismal Wii numbers, is there a MP slowdown or a shortage?
Wii sold 44.494 units this week in Japan. That would make about 178.000 a month.
Of course, that´s significantly less than the 335.000 sold in the US last month. But account for the fact that Japan has a population of 128 million while the US has upwards of 300 million. Proportionally, the numbers make sense.
The Nintendo Wii will definitly be the best seller in Japan by far!
Nintendo sure isn't learning from their mistakes it seems.
I can't believe that they're even considering this. But most likely they're not going to change it at this point. Sadly.
I would like to share my research and article on Best 100+ Online Games.
I came by this blog accidentally while searching for something else and found this interesting. Especially since I work for a large retail chain in the department that sells video games and consoles. So here is a take from a gamer, Pokémon fan and merchant.
So far we have been selling more Wiis than 360s or PS3s. Price is the main reason. However, if Nintendo does make it more difficult than their competition to play online games they will send any future customers straight to their competition—even the casual gamers. The first online Pokémon game could wind up being the first Pokémon title to flop. If Nintendo moves too slowly on making games available (and let’s face it, the games will not be any better for it) that will have a negative impact on their sales too. Right now about 30% of the Nintendo games sold are Pokémon, but then Cooking Mama is about 25%.
But what do I know? I only see what the customers are buying and why. From the way our vendor talks, Nintendo can do no wrong.
BTW, has anyone that has written to this blog, sent the same comments to Nintendo? It may not make a difference, but if no one tells them that they are unhappy Nintendo is certain to go ahead and do what they want.
I understand we want to protect our kids, but that my job(as a parant) not Nintendo's. I don't have any friends to swap codes nor do I have the time to find them. The main reason I bought the wii was because there was going to be online play. I assumed this would be like XBL. Big friggin bummer. I just want too be able to hop on and find a quick game or two, not sit around all of my precious spare time trying to make friends. Don't get me wrong I love my wii and the extra content they provide but if this is it, I think I'm going to sell this puppy and get me an XBOX360.
Why would Strikers charged use a different online system than all the other games? Doesn't make any sense at all. Nintendo really needs to clarify all of this.
http://www.thenewsroom.com/details/387695/Health?c_id=wom-bc-kg another downside to the wii - you could hurt your hands, check out the news footage - Kate from The Health Desk at TheNewsRoom.com
ummm... DUH!
Friend codes are to protect little kids from the scum of online gaming that is sex crazed, drug obsessed, desire driven freaks.^^;
If it was open online, Nintendo would have to rate EVERYTHING to "Experience may change during online play."
Especially with new free long-distance communication capability, anyone could get on & start talking dirty to your youngest pokemon fan.
Besides registration takes like no time. Friend codes are easy. All of you that complain either are old enough not to care, or don't have kids.
Also, no one seems to noice this, but participating in random battles with others who DO NOT have your friend codes works just fine in pokemon revolution & diamond / pearl. Most of you who complain obviously never even tried, or don't have Wii's imho.
This random match up also works on Strikers (yes, i played haxed eropean version, works just fine here in states btw) like cake. It's SO easy. I have little idea wtf most of you are complaining about.
Honestly, the most annoying thing is Wii 24 ALAWAYS connecting for seemingly no reason... there needs to be a way to restrict or select update times; although temporarily turning it off works well enough for now.
DS, online, for the record, isn't terrible, it's based on each game. Example, pokemon online, perfect; Transformers 4 player battle rooms, stupid. All game dependent.
The friendlist is easy & protects minors.
It's the games, not the wii, most of u need to stfu.
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Hi,my name's Guilherme,I have a little question to you... When I tried to put the sd card inside the wii, it turn off and after that it stays in "stand by" and when I try to turns it on it turn off.
Hi, my name's Fernando, I have a little question about the wii...
When I tried to put the sd card in the wii, it turns off, I disconnected the ac adapter and connected again, it stays in stand by and when I press the power button, it turn on and off quickly, and no work.
Hi, my name's Fernando, I have a little question about the wii...
When I tried to put the sd card in the wii, it turns off, I disconnected the ac adapter and connected again, it stays in stand by and when I press the power button, it turn on and off quickly, and no work.
Hi, my name's Fernando, I have a little question about the wii...
When I tried to put the sd card in the wii, it turns off, I disconnected the ac adapter and connected again, it stays in stand by and when I press the power button, it turn on and off quickly, and no work.
I could see this hurting Wii... Big disappointment!
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Satellite pro m30 battery
TOSHIBA PA3399U-1BRS Battery
Portege m300 battery
TOSHIBA PA3285U-1BRS Battery
Canon BP-2L5 Battery
Canon BP-508 Battery
JVC BN-VF707U Battery
JVC BN-VF707 Battery
JVC BN-VF733 Battery
JVC BN-V408U Battery
BN-V408 Battery
CANON NB-2L Battery
CANON NB-2LH Battery
CANON BP-511 battery
Dell INSPIRON 2500 battery
Dell INSPIRON 630m battery
Dell Latitude D820 battery
Dell Latitude D610 Battery
Dell Latitude D620 battery
Dell Latitude D630 battery
Dell xps m1210 battery
Dell e1705 battery
Dell d830 battery
Dell inspiron 2200 battery
Dell inspiron 640m battery
Dell inspiron b120 battery
Dell xps m1210 battery
Dell inspiron xps m1710 battery
Dell inspiron 1100 battery
Dell 310-6321 battery
Dell 1691p battery
Dell Inspiron 500m battery
Dell 6Y270 battery
Dell inspiron 8600 battery
Latitude x300 series battery
Dell latitude cpi battery
Dell 1x793 battery
dell Inspiron 1501 battery
Dell 75UYF Battery
Dell Inspiron 1720 battery
dell Latitude C640 battery
Dell XPS M140 battery
Dell Inspiron E1405 battery
Dell TK330 Battery
Dell M1530 Battery
Dell Latitude C600 battery
Armada E700 Series battery
Compaq 116314-001 battery
Compaq 319411-001 battery
Compaq nc4200 battery
Compaq Presario R3000 Battery
Compaq Presario 2100 battery
Compaq Presario r3000 Battery
Compaq Business Notebook NX9000 series battery
HP 395789-001 battery
HP 446506-001 Battery
HP dv9700 battery
HP F4809A Battery
HP nc8000 battery
HP nc8230 battery
HP pavilion zd8000 battery
HP f2024b battery
HP f4812a battery
HP Pavilion ZV5000 battery
HP Pavilion DV1000 battery
HP Pavilion ZD7000 Battery
HP Pavilion DV2000 battery
HP Pavilion DV4000 Battery
HP Pavilion dv6000 Battery
HP Pavilion DV9000 Battery
HP F4098A battery
HP pavilion zx6000 battery
HP omnibook xe4400 battery
HP omnibook xe4500 battery
HP omnibook xe3 battery
Notebook NX9110 battery
IBM 02K6821 battery
IBM 02K7054 battery
IBM 08K8195 battery
IBM 08K8218 battery
IBM 92P1089 battery
IBM Thinkpad 390 Series battery
IBM Thinkpad 390X battery
IBM ThinkPad Z61m Battery
IBM 02K7018 Battery
IBM thinkpad t41p battery
IBM ThinkPad R60 Battery
IBM ThinkPad T60 Battery
IBM ThinkPad T41 Battery
IBM ThinkPad T43 Battery
IBM ThinkPad X40 Battery
Thinkpad x24 battery
ThinkPad G41 Series battery
IBM thinkpad r52 battery
Thinkpad x22 series battery
IBM thinkpad t42 battery
IBM thinkpad r51 battery
Thinkpad r50 series battery
IBM thinkpad r32 battery
Thinkpad x41 series battery
SONY VGP-BPS5 battery
SONY VGP-BPL2C battery
SONY VGP-BPS2A battery
SONY VGP-BPS2B battery
SONY PCGA-BP1N battery
SONY PCGA-BP2E battery
SONY PCGA-BP2S battery
SONY PCGA-BP2T battery
SONY PCGA-BP2V battery
SONY PCGA-BP4V battery
SONY PCGA-BP71 battery
SONY PCGA-BP71A battery
SONY VGP-BPL1 battery
SONY VGP-BPL2 battery
Sony vgn-t2xp/s battery
Sony vaio vgn-s4xp battery
Sony vaio pcg-z1rsp battery
SONY NP-FT1 battery
SONY NP-FC10 Battery
SONY NP-F330 Battery
SONY NP-F550 Battery
SONY NP-FM50 Battery
SONY NP-FP50 Battery
SONY NP-55 Battery
SONY NP-FM70 Battery
SONY NP-33 Battery
SONY NP-F970 Battery
SONY NP-FP90 Battery
FUJITSU Lifebook C2220 battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp63 Battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp68 Battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp77 Battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp78 Battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp79 Battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp95 Battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp98 Battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp121 Battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp151 Battery
FUJITSU lifebook t4010 Battery
FUJITSU lifebook t4020d Battery
GATEWAY NX7000 battery
UNIWILL 258-4S4400-S1P1 Battery
TOSHIBA PA3307U-1BRS Battery
TOSHIBA PA3383U-1BRS Battery
TOSHIBA PA3384U-1BRS Battery
TOSHIBA PA3465U-1BRS Battery
Toshiba PA2487UR battery
Toshiba A100 Battery
Toshiba Satellite A105 battery
Toshiba A70 battery
PA3062U-1BAT battery
Toshiba Satellite P30 battery
Toshiba PA3084U-1BRS battery
Toshiba PA3098U battery
PA3107U-1BAS battery
PA3107U-1BRS battery
PA3166U-1BRS battery
PA3176U-1BAS battery
Toshiba pa3399u-1brs battery
TOSHIBA PA3399U-2BAS Battery
TOSHIBA PA3421U-1BRS Battery
TOSHIBA PA3456U-1BRS Battery
TOSHIBA Pa3356u-1brs battery
Satellite a10 series battery
Pa3331u-1brs battery
Satellite m30 series battery
Satellite pro m30 battery
TOSHIBA PA3399U-1BRS Battery
Portege m300 battery
TOSHIBA PA3285U-1BRS Battery
Canon BP-2L5 Battery
Dell FK890 battery
Dell Inspiron 1721 battery
Dell Inspiron 1300 Battery
Dell Inspiron 1520 Battery
Dell Latitude D600 Battery
Dell XPS M1330 battery
Dell Latitude D531N Battery
Dell INSPIRON 6000 battery
Dell INSPIRON 6400 Battery
Dell Inspiron 9300 battery
Dell INSPIRON 9400 Battery
Dell INSPIRON e1505 battery
Dell INSPIRON 2500 battery
Dell INSPIRON 630m battery
Dell Latitude D820 battery
Dell Latitude D610 Battery
Dell Latitude D620 battery
Dell Latitude D630 battery
Dell xps m1210 battery
Dell e1705 battery
Dell d830 battery
Dell inspiron 2200 battery
Dell inspiron 640m battery
Dell inspiron b120 battery
Dell xps m1210 battery
Dell inspiron xps m1710 battery
Dell inspiron 1100 battery
Dell 310-6321 battery
Dell 1691p battery
Dell Inspiron 500m battery
Dell 6Y270 battery
Dell inspiron 8600 battery
Latitude x300 series battery
Dell latitude cpi battery
Dell 1x793 battery
dell Inspiron 1501 battery
Dell 75UYF Battery
Dell Inspiron 1720 battery
dell Latitude C640 battery
Dell XPS M140 battery
Dell Inspiron E1405 battery
dell 700m battery
dell C1295 battery
Dell U4873 Battery
Dell Latitude C600 battery
Armada E700 Series battery
Compaq 116314-001 battery
Compaq 319411-001 battery
Compaq nc4200 battery
Compaq Presario R3000 Battery
Compaq Presario 2100 battery
Compaq Presario r3000 Battery
Compaq Business Notebook NX9000 series battery
HP 395789-001 battery
HP 446506-001 Battery
HP dv9700 battery
HP F4809A Battery
HP nc8000 battery
HP nc8230 battery
HP pavilion zd8000 battery
HP f2024b battery
HP f4812a battery
HP Pavilion ZV5000 battery
HP Pavilion DV1000 battery
HP Pavilion ZD7000 Battery
HP Pavilion DV2000 battery
HP Pavilion DV4000 Battery
HP Pavilion dv6000 Battery
HP Pavilion DV9000 Battery
HP F4098A battery
HP pavilion zx6000 battery
HP omnibook xe4400 battery
HP omnibook xe4500 battery
HP omnibook xe3 battery
Notebook NX9110 battery
IBM 02K6821 battery
IBM 02K7054 battery
IBM 08K8195 battery
IBM 08K8218 battery
IBM 92P1089 battery
IBM Thinkpad 390 Series battery
IBM Thinkpad 390X battery
IBM ThinkPad Z61m Battery
IBM 02K7018 Battery
IBM thinkpad t41p battery
IBM ThinkPad R60 Battery
IBM ThinkPad T60 Battery
IBM ThinkPad T41 Battery
IBM ThinkPad T43 Battery
IBM ThinkPad X40 Battery
Thinkpad x24 battery
ThinkPad G41 battery
IBM thinkpad r52 battery
Thinkpad x22 battery
IBM thinkpad t42 battery
IBM thinkpad r51 battery
Thinkpad r50 battery
IBM thinkpad r32 battery
Thinkpad x41 battery
SONY VGP-BPS5 battery
SONY VGP-BPL2C battery
SONY VGP-BPS2A battery
SONY VGP-BPS2B battery
SONY PCGA-BP1N battery
SONY PCGA-BP2E battery
SONY PCGA-BP2S battery
SONY PCGA-BP2T battery
SONY PCGA-BP2V battery
SONY PCGA-BP4V battery
SONY PCGA-BP71 battery
SONY PCGA-BP71A battery
SONY VGP-BPL1 battery
SONY VGP-BPL2 battery
Sony vgn-t2xp/s battery
Sony vaio vgn-s4xp battery
Sony vaio pcg-z1rsp battery
SONY NP-FT1 battery
SONY NP-FC10 Battery
SONY NP-F330 Battery
SONY NP-F550 Battery
SONY NP-FM50 Battery
SONY NP-FP50 Battery
SONY NP-55 Battery
SONY NP-FM70 Battery
SONY NP-33 Battery
SONY NP-F970 Battery
SONY NP-FP90 Battery
FUJITSU Lifebook C2220 battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp63 Battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp68 Battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp77 Battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp78 Battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp79 Battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp95 Battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp98 Battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp121 Battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp151 Battery
FUJITSU lifebook t4010 Battery
FUJITSU lifebook t4020d Battery
GATEWAY NX7000 battery
UNIWILL 258-4S4400-S1P1 Battery
TOSHIBA PA3307U-1BRS Battery
TOSHIBA PA3383U-1BRS Battery
TOSHIBA PA3384U-1BRS Battery
TOSHIBA PA3465U-1BRS Battery
Toshiba PA2487UR battery
Toshiba A100 Battery
Toshiba Satellite A105 battery
Toshiba A70 battery
PA3062U-1BAT battery
Toshiba Satellite P30 battery
Toshiba PA3084U-1BRS battery
Toshiba PA3098U battery
PA3107U-1BAS battery
PA3107U-1BRS battery
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