There is a new website tracking videogame sales figures. Chart Get went online in late July and has already more than 150 posts on offer.
The blog is run by the NeoGAF forum regulars PantherLotus and JoshuaJSlone, the latter one introducing the site as follows.
For years I followed the monthly NPD sales data at GAF and participated in the conversations. Probably the farther back you go the more spinning you'll see from me. A pretty big Nintendo fan, I'm probably one of the guys talking about GameCube month-over-month percentage improvement and generally meaningless stuff like that. It was the launch of DS and PSP in Japan that took things to the next level, though. (...)
Panther's focus is on making beautiful static images to display the facts in a large number of ways, while mine is more on a limited but versatile set of tools that can show some quite interesting things if you ask it the right questions with the right parameters. As the guy who set up the tools, I'm in a particularly good position to know what can be asked and how to do so.
Both existing sites, VG Chartz and NexGen Wars, have attracted some criticism for apparently unreliable sources. Chart Get wants to do better, as they claim in their statement of intent.
1. Our data is real: Chart Get! only uses publicly available data produced by professional outside sources by qualified market research firms, like Media-Create, Famitsu, and the NPD unless otherwise specified. We do not pretend to conduct market research only to pass off others' data as our own. All in-house estimations and extrapolations will be clearly marked.
2. All data and charts are cited: Every chart posted on this site will be cited and sourced with the data's origin unless produced by an outside source which will be credited. Chart Get! will never use other's data and pass it off as original.
3. Opinions and Analyses will be labeled as such: While Chart Get! acknowledges that bias is a natural part of the human experience, it is the objectivity of cold, hard numbers that reveals truth. In that spirit the reader will be explicitly warned when entering the territory of analysis and/or opinion.
Whether they are tracking the DS versus PSP sales figures, listing Capcom's top sellers of all time or chalking up the worst selling Wii titles in their first week in Japan, the charts appear to be reliable, are well-presented and extremely informative.
Source: Chart Get
Nice, thanks for the info man.
Also I hate going into a new topic but do you know we you or nibris might do a update on sadness?
I have an update on Sadness, it will suck because it's on the Wii! First shovelware, now vaporware from a completely useless developer. Nice going, Nintendo!
- Kony
My little Kony.
As I noted in the comments to the last post, your loopy comments have entertained me to such a degree that I am awarding you the official title of village idiot of this blog. Congratulations (and apologies to the former bearer of this title who is now unemployed).
I have an update on Sadness, it will suck because it's on the Wii!
Great reason! Similarly, everything on the PS3 is pure gold. Even that ´High School Musical´ game. It may look and play the same, but as long as it's running off of more than one CPU core, it's a good game.
Of course, you know best. Developers like Shinji Mikami, Goichi Suda, Will Wright and Julian Eggebrecht or studios like Rockstar don't really know their stuff like you do.
Again, that's where those many years of hard training in professional lunacy really pay off. Have you ever worked for Ken Kutaragi by any chance?
"(and apologies to the former bearer of this title who is now unemployed)."
Hey mate...the Wii system itself isn't THAT bad ...you need to calm down a lil...instead it's the devs who mostly don't do it justice......yeah I know 3rd party support is truely laughable from our perspective but I do have some hope that it will change for the better in the near future..
I'm really looking forward to Tenchu 4 for example which is a Wii exclusive and probably the first somewhat ambitious 3rd party title to emerge in a long time..
And then there is Monster Hunter 3 which for the first time seems to sport very high production values for an exclusive 3rd party Nintendo game.
Games like Cursed Mountain, No More Heroes 2, Mad World,Sin And Punishment 2,Core, klonoa and Conduit also look promising.
And then theres also a lot of stuff that hasn't been announced yet..stuff by F5, Retro, Capcom, Nintendo, Ubi Soft(Red Steel 2 anyone?), Sega etc.
Of course, that doesn't make up for 2 super shitty years where Wii gamers were left in the mist with next to no great games aside from Galaxy and some good PS2 ports like Bully and Okami. There is no excuse for that from a core gamers perspective no matter how much people like Mr Falafel enjoy Kirby's rainbow conquest etc.
p.s: I think I'll give Sam and Max, De Blob and Wario a shot
Can anyone recommend any of those games?
(the original)IALS
Still can't provide good examples.
Kony you're a real downer.
Thank you IALS for pointing that out.
I have provided examples, Ansis. You weren't reading them because you don't what the hell is going on. The Wii is tearing Nintendo's dignity apart by catering to the market that doesn't exist.
- Kony
A market that doesn't exist? What are you smoking? Sure nintendo has shifted from full "hardcore" support to this "casual/hardcore" support, but it's making them alot of money and alot of new fans. Let me also point out that next year will have a slew of titles that the wii will get that the ps3 or xbox360 won't and well not be shovelware.
Sin and punishment 2, punch out, Fragile, the conduit, Fatal frame 4, madworld, new tales game.
That's just a few titles and doesn't even mean what nintendo might have still to announce at a game conference or event.
That's the best Nintendo has?
Let's see a mini-game (MadWorld), a survival-horror series that nobody wants to play (Fatal Frame 4), a boring FPS that struggles with graphics (The Conduit), a game with a kiddy art style (Fragile), and others that no core gamer has even heard of. All those games are just bound to suck. Not to mention most of them won't even come to North America. Nice try.
- Kony
First of all you need to calm down, control your temper and take it easy....remember, Nintendo hasn't raped your mother for you to go off on them like this. And this is the last time I will respond to you unless you change your tune and tone.
Secondly, Wii can produce somewhat "acceptable" stylized graphics albeit not nearly as advanced as the 360/PS3 stuff of course. Which is a nobrainer. Get over it already, you had two years to come to that conclusion. And Tenchu 4 most certainly doesn't look like crap. It looks quite good actually.
Concerning the system itself - one of the reasons I haven't written Wii off just yet is its controller. I personally really like the Wii controller. The controlls work great with Galaxy and Okami( its new to me. I haven't played the PS2 version and I'm really digging it. It's truely a great port of an amazing game)The controlls have something refreshing to them.
Kony, look, if you are pissed off and don't come to terms with the situation just skip this generation of Nintendo alltogether. I wouldn't blame you for it. As I mentioned in my previous post I share many of your feelings as far as 3rd party support is concerned. There is still a lot to address and the first 2 years were pretty sad supportwise however, it doesn't help either if you keep on spewing forth your Wii hate again and again. Trust me, I know what I'm talkin about I made the same mistakes. It's not worth it. It's a waste of time. You need to some a big blunt or whatever it takes to relax. I think you'd be suprised how much more well received you'd be here if you stopped acting so childish.
The level of denial is astounding! Yeah, maybe I could give up this generation, but I'm sorry, I just can't.
Think about it, IALS, if Nintendo keeps going like this with their "innovation" because they make money off of people who don't matter, then there would be more shovelware and more core title drought, then you would be stuck the rest of your life bitching about on this blog or some gaming message boards forever until Nintendo gets with the program.
Sooner or later, core gamers will eventually get sick of this bullshit, like I am, and will leave Nintendo for Sony and/or Microsoft. Casual gamers will drop the Wii and its gimmicky, bullshit successors, once they get sick of it like a fad. And once Nintendo loses all their audience, what now?
You know you want Nintendo to do, IALS, be aggressive with third-parties and score some core titles that matter, so why don't you stop being in denial or shut up and you can wait for crappy titles like Tenchu 4.
- Kony
Ah, Kony... trolls like you make me laugh the loudest. :) That's why I'm kinda glad you're our new village idiot. FUD, none of it true. Always classic stuff... in fact, it takes me back two years to the Wii launch when fanboys were screeching because a certain white box was "just a fad" that would "NEVER take off." ;)
You KNOW you're in deep doodoo when you have less credibility than IALS. ~_^ And yes, I'm feeding you a bit, just not in the way that you were hoping.
On topic, I'm digging the Chart Get! site - the charts are clean and attractive, which is a definite plus when just looking for "quick glance" numbers.
Also, uh, just throwin' this out there Kony... were you bagging on the PS2 last gen when it was undeniably the weakest console on the market? :) Is the PS2 incapable of having good games because of that? If you answered yes to either of these, then I'd KILL to see your message board posts... I've been needing a good chuckle.
If not, then I guess we know your TRUE colors. ;)
thank you mr fereira! It's good to know that someone could possibly have less credibility than me. IALS. @konyballony stopacting a clown the choice is yours play other systems if you enjoy them more Nintendo won't change as long as they are successful with their strategy. IALS
Last generation was alot different than it is today. The processing power gap between the Xbox, PlayStation 2, and GameCube weren't all that huge and each consoles were graphically capable to each other. But now, the gap is the frickin' Grand Canyon, and developers are harnessing great technology for the 360 and PS3, while the Wii gets left in the dust.
The Wii sucks because of that. Developers will never make great use of the controller because the lack of horsepower limits them, which means bad A.I., bad level design, and overall, no polish. All you get is a bag of shit with a unique handle. Get your head out of your ass.
- Kony
Oho! You make me laugh, Kony! :3 And you never answered my questions, either. You just insulted my intuition without any reason.
Still... your attempts are cute :D I'm gonna start calling you Mr. Bip! :)
Kony you lil crap troll......graphics mean nothing as long as the gameplay isn't solid to begin with......okami is a perfect example.....it's fucking gorgeous to look at and to play....despite old school technology....i'm fucking enjoying it to the fullest eventhough it doesn't push 20 million polys und super hi rez texture bullshitery......it aint about the tech aspect of the graphics nowadays anyway or why do you think conduit looks like crap compared to metroid prime 1 from 7 years ago huh!?!!it's because technology don't mean shit as long as the concept artists, designers and modellers don't do a good job to bring the game to life with their skills....don't mean shit!!!...it's all about art direction and style nowadays....wii has sufficient technology backing it up to bring any artistic vision to life....to do justice to the look devs envisioned.....it's about time you move on and let your sucked dry and incredibly narrow minded arguement rest once and for all....wii has more than enough potential to make true hardcore gamers happy and it's all up to the publishers and devs to make great games period. IALS
Ok, I'll answer your question... no, I didn't bag on the PlayStation 2 because like I said, the processing power gap wasn't that big. Sure, it had its limitations, but it was just as capable as their competitors and developers were flooding its success with so much supports and exclusives that it surpasses the Wii in quality, so that comparison is completely stupid.
And, IALS, the Wii is not capable, haven't you been reading what I said? 3rd party developers will never take the system to its full potential because there isn't any, just take a look at the titles... wait a second, never mind, you're actually looking forward to this crap! So much for sharing my views, as you're just about as naive and clueless as Falafelkid and Ferreira here.
Wii fails!!
- Kony
Oh, Mr. Bip. :3 You are too cute sometimes. I don't think the comparison is anywhere near "stupid." :) You're bagging on Wii because it's the weakest of the three consoles on the market, so I chose a relevant example. I could say the same for ANY other hardware race: PSX vs. N64 vs. Saturn, NES vs. Master System vs. TurboGrafX 16... you seem to be arguing that because Wii is weaker than the other consoles (which it is), it is somehow incapable of having ANYTHING remotely close to quality. :)
You've come in here with gross misinformation, on a WII blog, to cause hell... but we're all laughing at you. We're laughing at the failure you must be, to troll a community that's always (since I've been commenting)swayed toward rational and intelligent discussion.
Then you pull out old soundbites that we've heard since December 2006.
Also, in your warped little world, Wii is a FAILURE... yet at the same time it's outselling the other two combined in monthly totals? o_o Mr. Bip, I think you are living in your own little dream world! :)
And yes, the only reason why I'm interacting with you at all is because I'm getting a hearty laugh from you. Thanks for a good chuckle, and good night Mr. Bip! Congrats on earning the title of village idiot!
I broke my rule of feeding the troll.
I'd like to apologize to everyone here.
When the Troll isn't fed,
The Troll must look for food elsewhere.
A real "anti-Nintendo troll" wouldn't troll here, he would usually sit back and watch Nintendo fail, which they eventually will, without having to do anything and enjoy his Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, with all the quality titles while Nintendo fans, like myself, are left in the dust with shovelware and shitty games, whining in GoNintendo or this blog, like IALS did, for Nintendo to reconsider their strategy because it will kill them.
You don't seem to understand that this generation is vastly different in terms of gaps. The Wii is completely underpowered, not just compared to the 360 and PS3, but to the processing standards in general, it's completely low-tech and doesn't have the technology to keep up with the quality standards for this generation and the next if Nintendo keeps going like this. The Wii may be succeeding because Nintendo is leeching money off of people who don't matter in this industry (casual gaming pukes), but it will fall into a fad eventually. I never said it would fail outright, and neither did anyone else when the Wii was released 2 years ago, but it will crash and burn eventually because it's nothing more than a shitty novelty.
As for the soundbites, Chris Hecker made that statement last year, and he just developed one of the most innovative games out there, Spore. Guess the Wii sucks at innovation too.
Wii fails!!
- Kony
The new Animal Crossing game is great!
I just played Legendary on the PlayStation 3, and I have to say it is better than all the shitty Wii games out there, even the The Conduit, which has "ass" written all over it. And do you know what's sad? This game recieved the lowest scores ever in this generation. When all the Wii games are worse than a worst reviewed game of all time, it just means the system sucks. And don't compare scores, the Wii can't match up to any quality for this generation have because it's last-gen crap with a new gimmicky controller. Nintendo cancel the Wii, it's worthless!
Wii fails!!
- Kony
Ansis: No worries - I've been pestering Mr. Bip (and yes, I do plan to keep calling him that from here on out :P) far more than anyone else tonight. :) I'm just having fun watching him rant like a two year old who just found out that Santa and the tooth fairy don't exist. ;) But I'm done for the night since the trolls need to go to bed for the night.
Also, I'm also liking the new Animal Crossing. It may not bring a lot of new stuff to the table, but it's a great way to take a 20-minute vacation on a stressful day. :) Honestly, the people complaining about it seem to have had REALLY high expectations, or some warped view of what Animal Crossing would be like in this installment.
Hrm, Mr. Bip does seem a pretty befitting name. I've needed a little gaming comedy lately, and hey, here's a little Sony monkey to provide it. Anybody got an accordion?
I suppose in an Animal Crossing game some of the best parts are the daily things you do.
I think the hardcore players are a bit let down that Nintendo didn't take it up another notch.
For example-----
how about a Blizzard hitting town? Or having a pet? Or how about making food for friends?
Maybe a bike to ride?
Or actually building a house yourself?
Those are all bad examples but Ninty should have pushed it up a notch. Especially since this was touted as a "hardcore title" with millions apon millions of doting fans.
But still.
I find this series to be excellent.
And a great way to keep in touch with my young Niece who lives far away and write notes to my girlfriend with.
It's so relaxing!
And it looks great.
Can't wait to see what it's in store for City Folk after playing for 6 months!
Legendary beats Animal Crossing in terms of everything.
Wii fails!!
- Kony
Ansis: I agree that they could've done more, but at the same time, I have a feeling that if they DID go above and beyond, we'd see complaints that it's too different from the originals. :) Kinda like Twilight Princess and Wind Waker:
Wind Waker: "Too different! We want OoT2! ;_;"
Twilight Princess: "Too much like OoT! Can't you do something DIFFERENT for once?! ;_;"
Still, like you said, it's great! :) I'm loving every minute of it, for now. And I'm honestly surprised at how well the voice chat works... it really it like you're in the same room with the person you're talking to. Far more comfortable than a headset, too.
Either way, it's far better than some crummy title like Legendary (Avg. Review score: a whopping 47) , wink wink. :)
I told you Legendary recieved the lowest score this generation, but it still surpasses all the Wii titles, including Animal Crossing, because it's a next-gen title. The Wii is a last-gen system repackaged with a gimmicky controller.
Wii fails!!
- Kony
Legendary received low scores because like halo 3 it's generic and is nothing special.
But it's still better than all the Wii games. It may be mediocre and shallow, but it's still better because it's seventh generation, while the Wii is last-gen, perhaps, fifth-gen. The Wii is a piece of shit, and all the games are as well. The outdated technology is holding the quality back to a negative scale, which means acheiving quality on the system is impossible. Developers won't be able to take gameplay to the next level, which means dumb A.I, horrible level design, and constant glitches and bugs. We're only playing GameCube and N64 games with a gimmicky controller.
Wii fails!!
- Kony
Oh... Mr Bip... you're still here? I THOUGHT there was petty whining between the discussion last night. :)
Hey, look at that! It's Friday! In your role as village idiot, you have the right to scream obscenities at oncoming traffic! Get to it, Mr. Bip!
i just have to defend kony a little bit :)
let's see some facts.. i took top 30 games from gamerankings and calculated their average score. remeber, ONLY top 30 games!
PS2 92,7
Xbox 91,5
GC 90,7
PS3 88,7
360 88,2
WII 83,44
sorry if i miscalculated ;)
as we can see, wii has clearly the lowest score in top 30 games
another chart with all games average (i assume):
i don't know how trustworthy this chart is, but seems well balanced to me. the second one is very interesting- even PS2 average is clearly higher than wii's
ferreira, falafel, all fanboys, you can't be blind to this
as for animal crossing... that is just UNBELIVEABLE. first party game, so lazy repacked.
and that is true problem with wii- LAZINESS
not just from third partys, but also from nintendo itself
i think nintendo should provide some real information on their next games (if they have any planns) and not just rumors and smalltalks about pikmin 3 and next zelda
and what is taking so long for factor 5 and retro?
i really want to see something to look forward to
lol Konyballony if according to your laughable logic Wii can't have good games due to its outdated gimmicky technology that would imply that good games have never existed before on any system until the 360/PS3 generation launched.
Dude give it up already.Look, were it not for the fact that you are an incredibly obvious, incredibly transparent troll the stuff you say doesn't even add up to begin with.
Seriously, you are so incredibly bad at trolling that I am starting to feel sorry for you.
BTW this is probably the single most essential piece of video footage ever recorded on this planet in recent history:
I emphatically encourage you Mr. Falafel to do everything in your power to bring this footage to public awareness through your TV network connections as it is of utmost importance and crushing relevance to every living breathing human being on this planet....THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN MUST BE MADE PUBLIC AT ALL COSTS MISTER FALAFEL....people need to know the truth!
Again Mr Falafel I strongly urge you to get this footage out there to the people!!It should be in your own best interests as a good journalist!
yours truly,
The Original IALS
I'm bad at trolling, IALS, because I wasn't trolling at all.
And, Pero Detlic, the Wii's ranking should say -100 because the Wii just sucks! The Wii might have been good last generation or even better in the N64/PlayStation-era, but it's just terrible and unacceptable now, and it shouldn't have been made. The Wii's bad quality isn't from laziness, it's from the console itself and how underpowered and limited it is.
Wii fails!!
- Kony
pero_deltic: How cute! You must be Mr. Bip's little friend! ^_^ I'm sure that we would have GLADLY given more respect to Mr. Bip, had he came in and talked REASONABLY - rather than spout cute little things like "WII IS SHIT! WII IS FAILS!" while insulting the intelligence of longer-term posters. :) But he's proven to be nothing, and I mean NOTHING more than a screeching monkey so I'm treating him as such. I only think it's right - respect is a two-way street after all, and Mr. Bip CLEARLY doesn't want to give it. :) So he won't get it.
Also, I'm well aware of the scores - but I've seen games get knocked to 8.X levels for being "MORE OF THE SAME," while these same people go out and give top gongs to games like Gears, Halo and GTA. ;) There's a lot of shit on the Wii, but there are also a ton of diamonds in the rough, so to speak.
As for Animal Crossing? I'm well aware that there isn't a lot of new stuff in it - but, at the same time, I'm having fun with it. :) It's not like someone should be incapable of having a good time, even if the experience is less-than-fresh... if that were the case, Final Fantasy, Zelda, and Mario would have died off over a DECADE ago. ;)
Regarding Pikmin, Zelda, etc... Nintendo's always kept secrets about these games. We'll probably see more come trade show season. However, we've gotten distinct confirmations of the titles, so I'm happy enough with that.
The Wii received those scores because it sucks even though the actual qualitative data is very, very low than you could even comprehend, Ferriera. At least Pero Detlic is smart enough to see Nintendo's troubling future than any of you, including IALS, so shut up!
Wii fails!!
- Kony
Awwwwww~! Someone's cran-kyyyyy! It's time for good monkeys to go to bed! ^_^ Now scoot! Go on! Shoo!
That's expected for someone who can't even bring up a single good argument, but denial. You don't know that Nintendo is on its way to doom, and yet you bother yourself with a crappy game. Denial, it's such an addictive drug.
Wii fails!!
- Kony
Nope. It's the sign that I don't like you, and I don't respect you. :) And that opinion won't change very soon, unless you change your tune to something actually civil. I shouldn't give you the time of day when you will just tell me to shut up anyway. :) Since coming here, you've said nothing, and I mean NOTHING that's constructive, and NOTHING worth responding to. So, you've become my little source of amusement. You want to spout bullshit? FINE. I'm going to treat you like the childish brat you really are. If you want to give REAL arguments, I'll be happy to argue them in an intelligent manner.
For the record, hearing "IT SUCKS CUZ I SAY SO" isn't enough. ;) Pretty much everything you've said is saying that no systems up until the 360/PS3 were even CAPABLE of having a good game experience.
-sigh- I only wish this were real: http://xkcd.com/481/
I have provided all the arguments based on observation and research, and not once, not once, I have called any of you fanboys and trolls. Now who's being childish, now?
You refuse to see what's going on because you are living in a fantasy from Nintendo making cheap bucks off of people who don't matter. You think that I'm not making constructive and civil arguments based off of the fact you just disagree with me and haven't provided any good arguments of your own and condescended me through out this debate. Face it, Wii just sucks and it will eventually fail!
Wii fails!!
- Kony
Of course I'm condescending! :) As I've said before, you've given me little reason to be anything else! Your arguments have been little more than "SADNESS WILL SUCK BECAUSE IT'S ON WII"; "WII IS AS POWERFUL AS A 1940s TYPEWRITER"; "LEGENDARY IS BETTER THAN ANYTHING ON WII!", "THE WII IS A PIECE OF SHIT" - all taken directly from THIS comment section in particular. No evidence, no backup, just blind statements.
On older stories, you've argued that Madworld is a minigame collection, the Wii is selling to the "wrong people" and the like.
Yeah... REALLY substantiated there, bucko. :)
Don't think I don't read the blog even though I don't post as much anymore. There's a reason why Falafel declared you village idiot, and why I personally have declared open season on you.
You haven't called me a troll, no - but you've said repeatedly that I'm in denial, that I have my head in my ass, and a blind fanboy. I'm SORRY but I like my Wii just as much as I enjoy my 360. :) I don't own a PS3, but do you see ME going to Sony blogs and saying "HAY LITTLEBIGPLANET'S SHIT CUZ SOME GUY SAID SO! THE PS3 IS GARBAGE GO BUY A REAL SYSTEM"? Nope! :) I don't have ANYTHING to prove to you, or to the world around me. But... I've also been playing games for about 20 years now on everything from Nintendo to Sega to Sony to SNK, so I guess I still somehow don't get what I'm talking about.
So go on, screech like a monkey, as much as you want since this is the first, and last civil post you'll get from me until you learn to play nice. Until then? I hope you like bananas, Mr. Bip, 'cause it's open season. Get ready to beat your chest and say ook OOK.
You don't have anything to brag to the Sony blogs about the Wii because they will laugh at you instead of being jealous. All the titles on the PlayStation 3 are light-years ahead of the Wii in quality, and I only need little proof because the evidence is right in front of you. The Wii is a joke to real gamers.
Wii fails!!
- Kony
Check out the review of the Wii-version of Tomb Raider Underworld, and it will explain why the Wii sucks. "Unnecessary waggle" and "insulting puzzles." One of the commenters actually echoes what I have said about the Wii all along: "the Wii is a toy, not a console." Ouch. I'm sure there will be many games that will be like this because the Wii can't produce quality with its underpowered hardware.
So, is that enough proof for ya, Ferriera, or are you still in denial? The Wii is a piece of shit toy that's unnecessary and gimmicky. Therefore, I don't understand why Nintendo insists on doing this.
Wii fails!!
- Kony
Nintendo has always been the black sheep, trying something new and unique all the time and the wii was the seventh generation's change of pace.
Also if nintendo never went outside of the box, your sony brand or mircosoft brand systems would be shitty as you claim the wii to be as they would feature alot less functions.
Alot less functions of what? Gimmicks?
Wii fails!!
- Kony
Ever argue with one of those pull-the-string puppets?
Their debating skill is formidable: Take the same four lines, repeat them over and over again, and occasionally mix up the order to make it seem like you're saying something new.
It reminds one of the great Lincoln-Douglas debates:
Lincoln: "...and that is where I feel your defition of sovereignty falls short."
ILAS: "Seriously, you are so incredibly bad at trolling that I am starting to feel sorry for you."
a lot of people felt the same about you few months ago when you were bittered
farreira "pero_deltic: How cute! You must be Mr. Bip's little friend! ^_^ "
a am not his little friend, we just share the same disapoinment
and you sound like a child or immature at best
farreira: "but I've seen games get knocked to 8.X levels for being "MORE OF THE SAME," "
RE4, Zelda TP (GC) and Okami (PS2) are in TOP 5 of wii games!!!! if something is MORE OF THE SAME, than this is! last gen games with new controls. those games were great witout wiiremote. yes, wiiremote gives some new dimension.. but the games are the same old games which i played already.
i should have excluded those games and daverage would drop nicely
and i must say mister ferreira, how on earth can you enjoy animal crossing? it's the same as DS version! they didn't even update graphics since N64 version.
i can't believe now many repacked products nintedno is selling, and more unbeliveable is.. why are people buying it??
I'm glad you're still on the reasonable side, Pero Detlic. These people are living in their own little world, thinking the Wii is going to be successful until the next generation, even though the quality and the gamer consensus say otherwise.
You made a great point, nontheless. The Nintendo Wii recycles the same crap from the last generation with new controls, which is why it will never achieve anything remotely good because it is horribly outdated.
Wii fails!!
- Kony
Hi Anonymous.
Ever argue with one of those pull-the-string puppets?
Their debating skill is formidable: Take the same four lines, repeat them over and over again, and occasionally mix up the order to make it seem like you're saying something new.
You're so right. Know what it reminds me of?
Is the right room for an argument?
I've told you once.
No, you didn't.
Yes, I did.
Just now.
No, you didn't.
Yes, I did.
No, you didn't.
Excuse me. Is the five minute argument or the half hour?
Oh, just the five minute.
Thank you. Anyway, I did tell you.
No, you most certainly did not.
Let's get one thing straight: I most definitely told you.
No, you didn't.
Yes, I did.
No, you didn't.
Yes, I did.
No, you didn't.
Yes, I did.
This isn't an argument!
Yes, it is.
No, it isn't. It's just contradiction.
No, it isn't.
Yes, it is. You just contradicted me.
No, I didn't.
Yes, you did.
No, no, no.
I love the way that ´My little phoney´ stubbornly ignores the fact that Microsoft and Sony are rushing to copy the Wii.
Core gamers will eventually get sick of this bullshit, like I am, and will leave Nintendo for Sony and/or Microsoft. Casual gamers will drop the Wii and its gimmicky, bullshit successors, once they get sick of it like a fad.
So, consequently, the PS3 or Xbox360 with a Wiimote type controller would also be a fad, gimmicky and bullshit? Just answer me this question and I'd be happy, mate.
But, then again, you're not here to answer questions sensibly. You're here to entertain us normal people with your marvellous lunacy that took many arduous years of training and a degree in professional village idiocy.
Sony and Microsoft will probably make them better because they have processing power to go with it, not outdated crap. That's why the Wii sucks because of the lack of processing power that makes the controller useless. Perhaps, I should have emphasized on that.
Wii fails!!
- Kony
My little phoney. Hang on, mate. Let me get your point right.
Sony and Microsoft will make "a piece of shit toy that's unnecessary and gimmicky" (...) "better because they have processing power to go with it". That's like saying that a turd with sugar icing on top is better than a turd.
Again, you really live up to being my new village idiot on this blog. You have proven yourself worthy so many times already. Carry on!
So you're saying that the Wii, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360 are turds? Guess who's being the village idiot, now.
I guess I was being too hard on the Wii-mote because the Wii's limited processing power is my main gripe as it limits developers to give us crap like The Conduit and Tenchu 4... therefore, making the Wii-mote useless. However, I did mention it several times, and I still believe it is the contributing factor to the aboslutely zero quality the Wii has been producing. If Sony and Microsoft are doing the same thing, then it will be put to a better use because the developers would still have more freedom and movement with the immense processing power.
Wii fails!!
- Kony
THE fact- wii is repacked gamecube that works worse in some cases
THE fact- wiiremote needs wiimotion plus to work at "full" potential
THE fact- wii is being ignored becouse it lacks processing power
get real, wii itslef is worth maybe 30$, it's soooo outdated. they promised us 2.5 gamecube, we got 1.1 gamecube, in many cases 1.5 N64.
i DONT want some super great graphics... but it's VIDEO game system crying out loud, it would be nice to move forward in graphics department, not backwards!
its not just graphics that suffers, its AI, physics, my eyes...
just imagine what library of games would wii have by now if it had more power... and THEN, with GAMES, wiiremote would be a grat thing to have
You have completely explained what I have been saying for all along, but everyone here just can't seem to get the point.
Wii fails!!
- Kony
Just for good measure, since the Wii is failing right now, and none of you have provided any further arguments but denial:
Wii fails!!
- Kony
...And you two wonder why I'm so snide. ;) You crack me up! I don't even need to provide arguments - you fall flat on your faces every time you open your mouths!
Congrats on designating Mr. Bip as our village idiot, Falafelkid... might I suggest putting pero_detlic as his assistant? :)
No, you're not providing any arguments because the evidence for ours is right in front of you, but you and everyone, except for intelligent people like pero_detlic, deny it. The Wii will be Nintendo's death knell because the quality isn't even at the bottom of the barrel. Hell, it shouldn't even be mentioned in the same sentence with "barrels."
Wii fails!!
- Kony
Mr. Bip, you're too funny sometimes. :) If you weren't doing tricks for two retailers and a journalist, I'd think you were just another troll... but YOU.. YOU take things to absolute lunacy! Good show... I owe you a banana :)
Preach on, brotha.
The PlayStation 3, as well as the Xbox 360, are lightyears away from the Wii in terms of quality. Outdated bullshit have no place in this or any generation. The Wii is no PlayStation 2 or the NES, both of these were amazing for their time. The Wii has no qualities whatsoever, and it's about time Nintendo realizes that.
Wii fails!!
- Kony
hey konybalony you are such an incredibly whack troll you don't even deserve to be called a troll that's how whack you are.
Simply whack lol ;)))
You repeat the same line over and over again:" Wii is BS because it's outdated technology blablaba- And that's why Wii sucks and thats why Wii cant have good games blabla
- because there cant be any good games on a system that aint as powerful as 360 PS3 bla. That hasn't got the same processing power as PS60. Thats why wii games can only suck. Thats why Tenchu 4 can only be crap. Wii fails blablabla!!"
Lol thats basically your logic mate...laughable....mate I hate to tell you this but you are simply incredibly bad at trolling....you shgould try way harder... I have seen way way better trolls than you....trolls that were actually worth feeding;-)).....sorry kony but you dont even deserve to be called the village idiot thats how whack you are....in fact you arent even worth replying to...I strongly suggest people to ignore you from now on..
Saying Nintendo ought to address 3rd party support and cater more to the core gamer is one thing but blatantly calling a system like Wii BS and gimmicky per se because a lot of developers dont do it justice is simply extremely narrow minded and just downright ignorant.
Your attitude towards Wii and the "reasons";-))) you bring up for why it sucks defy any comprehendable logic I'm afraid mate.;-))
Why is Tenchu 4 crap?
"because its crap because it s on wi ha ha ha. That's why it sucks . It's crap hahaha. Tenchu 4 is crap because it's on an underpowered system hahaha. That's why it can't be good and that's why it can't have good graphics. And that's why Tenchu 4 sucks. Wii fails ha ha ha!!Wii is a repacked 1.2 Gaycube with gimmicky crap games like Tenchu 4 ha haha ...mmmmhhh!"
Kony I get it mate. Wii fails . Tenchu 4 sucks...there cant be any good games on Wii because it requires the processing power of PS60 to be able to make good games
The reason why I'm repeating the same things over and over is because you guys keep repeating it over and over with no sign of coming to your senses. It's obvious I'm not trolling because you guys are aren't even taking my "trolling" seriously. You only make fun of me because I disagree with you, and this is how you guys have civil conversations? What a joke. The Wii does suck for so many reasons that pero_detlic and I brought up. The quality of the games, the scores relative to the 360 and PS3, and the gamer attitudes towards the console should've put red flags up for you guys. How many times do I have to point out that the grass is green.
Wii fails!!
- Kony
face it, fanboys
the wii just sucks and so do you IALS!
you had the same disappointments as we did and now you like this outdatde toy? nintenod is ripping you off and fucked you over like a wore
go play your toy, and leave us real gamers to the debate
These people won't listen to reason. They don't understand that the Wii will lose its base sooner or later from the lack of quality and its gimmicky outcome.
Wii fails!!
- Kony
I hear you but I think your logic is quite for a better term: scattered.
You don't want super awesome graphics! but complain about how the wii's processor power isn't enough...well hopefully you know that the processor is mainly for graphic engine's..if not please do more research before trying to fight with useless logic.
What's scattered about your logic is that you accept outdated crap that is killing Nintendo.
Wii fails!!
- Kony
I have just read all the comments to this article once again and man this was some truely epic comedy that took place here so far...so thank you for that to all involved...I'm having a great time....this discussion is funny as hell and made me LOL big time...............However, it is with great concern that I am starting to realize that I have created a monster....a very ruthless lf any commonsense...a really awful monster.....and I deeply regret that as it was never my intention to create something like kony in the first place.IALS
"the playstation 3 can cure cancer
kony is more right than you will ever be ferrira, u are the on being the monkey no knoy"
face it, fanboys
the wii just sucks and so do you IALS!
"you had the same disappointments as we did and now you like this outdatde toy? nintenod is ripping you off and fucked you over like a wore
go play your toy, and leave us real gamers to the debate"
one of you, immature little kids who likes playing wii and animal corossing, is USING MY NAME and bitch around with it
i see i im arguing with IQ of 10 here, so i'l just leave you kids to live yours silly little blind lifes
PS mr ferreira and other have apsolutely no arguments on their side, therefore, YOU, mr ferreira are just a blind fanboy
You didn't create anything, Nintendo has with their piece of shit they call a system, and all the potential quality they could've recovered flushed down the toilet.
IALS, you were on the right track by showing the same concerns as pero_detlic and I, but it has come to my attention, from this comment board, that you're nothing more than just some spinless fanboy, who'll eat any shit that Nintendo calls "chocolate." I was expressing my concern like any other concerned Nintendo fan, and all of you have done nothing but call me names and refuse to face reality. The Nintendo Wii is a failure and it should be buried along with those E.T. game cartridges because it is an embarassment. People have spoken out against it, and you guys are still stuck in your bullshit fantasy!
Wii fails!!
- Kony
Really? Someone was impersonating you? I thought you were the same guy since you have the same tone. The "impersonator" had the same beliefs and I thought the "playstation 3 can cure cancer" was just a analogous statement of how advanced it is instead of an over-the-top one. Oh well.
Wii fails!!
- Kony
I think its kind of pointless for all the name calling etc.
My view on Kony is that is beyond upset in relation to the Wii. A very disastified supposed Nintendo fanboy.
I can share some of that frustration Kony. The system does lack power, but it also brought a new control system to the industry in which I look forward to the next Nintendo system with more graphical and processing power.
I am also very disappointed with the 'current' software lineup and I hope the future titles are not disappointing in both graphical and playability/controls. As IALS has verbalised on a few times, the first two years have been fairly lackluster but do show promise. Sit tight, try to enjoy some games on the Wii and possibly try buying a PS3 or Xbox as you previous mentioned.
I believe all 3 systems have brought something to the table, however I think Sony was a little overzealous.
I was so anti MS it wasnt funny, but the software coming on the system, the NEW dashboard is really great IMO, and other possibilities is pretty good. Only way I will get it is if its thrown in with a TV deal as I kind of refuse buying a MS product. But its coming to change on that front.
I can understand your frustration, but I think you need to chill out a little and speak rationally, and to the all of you replying to him. IMO his very disgruntled Nintendo gamer. But dont give up hope, still some decent games coming out and I think the next Nintendo system you wont be disappointed in.
Nintendo is making a ton of money at the moment, so them stopping the Wii woudnt be a smart move. But I think they can work on the other developers in the next gen with HD power.
And yeh there is a HEAP of junk on the Wii, but as there was with PS2 and most other systems. Its just the fact the Wii's graphics are quite lame if the developers dont put much effort into developing its potential graphically.
Give it time boy :)
As for IALS, I played Sam n Max on the PC, series 1 and playing through series 2 now. I advise playing it on the PC myself for higher res. It is very enjoyable.
Vampyre Story on PC is also out which I want to get soon. Ex Lucas Arts devs and been in development for 5 years.
kony seriously let's face it basically your logic implies that developers can't create good games on wii because it's technically inferior to xbox360 and playstation3. That's your whole arguement. And based on that there is no way a down to earth sane individual could ever take you seriously to begin with. Sure the quality of the gfx don't match what the competition offers but that has nothing to do with how good or bad a game can be. If you don't get any enjoyment out of games like galaxy and okami you fail as a gamer and probably in life too.Your life must be very gimmicky, bullshitty and underpowered compared to other peoples lifes.you must not get a lot of support from you relatives and the like.they must prefer your brothers and sisters as they aren't as lame,gimmicky and underpowered as you. Your relatives must prefer them over you as they are simply vastly superior and more up to date and timely human beings than you. They get more enjoyment out of your brothers and sisters as they simply dress way better and not as gimmicky as you.Moral of the story it's not Wii that fails it's kony who fails in life and who tries to project his own self esteem issues on a very successful videogame console to forget his own serious problems. Kony fails! IALS
I guess kony is what happens when sony and micro replace the love of the parents ;-)))))) IALS
"We've already seen better results in The Conduit so I don't think we should be cutting Treyarch any slack."
People also shouldn’t expected developers to shell out hundreds (possibly thousands) of hours of work, and a ton of money, in order to completely (and properly) tweak / re-build an engine for a Wii port.
This is Nintendo’s fault and I wish gamers would cut devs a certain amount of slack (although not completely). Porting to the Wii, and making it very high quality in visuals, is a LONG process, and not ‘cheap and easy’ as some people tend to believe.
In the case of CoD:WaW, they chose the CoD4 engine because it was the best performing for the style of gameplay on the TARGET SYSTEMS. Minimal tweaks are required to get the engine performing at peak capacity on the PC and Xbox360. The PS3’s hardware architecture requires more tweaking, but the generally beefy specs allow a lot of headroom to cut corners (and thus time and money) and still have the end result looking and running the best it can.
The Wii is a completely different ball park. Not only are developers forced to go over EVERY SINGLE artistic asset (every texture, character, prop, level, effect, etc) and tweak it to run on the Wii’s dramatically inferior hardware, but also (if they do it properly) heavily tweak and optimized the engine to perform the best it can on the system’s hardware, of which has programming architecture considerably different from the DX based engine we see in Call of Duty 4 / World at War.
The game was never, ever a priority of the Wii. This puts the game, on a technical level, in a difficult and time consuming position when it comes to finally putting out the Wii port. This same process applies to every other Wii port from nearly any system, including the original Xbox. It’s also why the majority of best looking Wii titles, low and behold, are exclusives. The Conduit is technically very impressive because it is using an engine built, largely, from the ground up for the Wii.
And if gamers really think a developer should spend a heavily amount of extra time, man-power, and money on tweaking / building an engine JUST for the Wii port, they are seriously deluded. Game development isn't charity.
I do, however, don't believe in cutting Treyarch any slack for CoD:WaW, but largely because it is missing a truck-load of very, very enjoyable content. The game was heavily hyped around the co-op, and it was removed.
“No, we shouldn't be cutting devs any slack. If they can buiild brand new engines for the 360/PS3, then they can built brand new engines for the Wii.
Why is that developers can spend billions of dollars making 3, 4, 5 new engines for the 360/PS3, but it's somehow too much to ask for to build a new engine for teh market leader?”
They don’t build a new engine for every platform, and the Wii might be the market leader but game sales speak stronger than words. When you can release a game on PC, Xbox360, and PS3 you have a much, MUCH better chance of making your money back and then some than releasing exclusively on the Wii.
“Ubisoft has done nothing but reuse the Unreal 2 engine for it's Wii projects (Red Steel, Brothers in Arms) yet built 2 brand new engines for Assassins Creed/Splinter Cell/Prince of Persia and the Dunia engine for Far Cry 2.”
Again, because these engines have a higher chance of working across multiple platforms with minimal tweaking. BiA used the UE2 because, low and behold, it was already built that way (it was a port, not a new title). Red Steel 2 was a launch title, and quite frankly has some levels that look better than most other Wii games.
“Epic can make a new Unreal Engine 3 for the 360/Ps3, but can't be arsed to make a dedicated engine for the market leading Wii.”
Again, because PC + Xbox360 + PS3 = greater potential audience than the Wii, whether you want to believe it or not. Epic are also a developer that greatly prides themselves on top-of-the-line graphical engines. Why on Earth would they take a step backwards with the Wii? It would be a weak and unexpected business move on their behalf.
“Rockstar can spend over 100 million making a new engine for GTA IV but can't be arsed to spend half of that making a dedicated Wii engine.”
GTAIV required a new engine, derr, as it is by far Rockstar’s biggest title. You can’t honestly expect they’re going to put equal effort into anything else. Flagship titles will ALWAYS get the most attention.
“Factor 5 are making a NEW engine for the Wii that will push it to it's limits.”
Factor 5 knew the GameCube’s hardware arguably better than Nintendo themselves. They also know how the Wii operates, and are heavily experienced in this hardware architecture. They also have a very strong fanbase on Nintendo platforms, thanks to the RS trilogy. Why else do you think they are making an engine from the ground up?
“I bought the Wii for "NEW" games. That mean "NEW" Engines with "NEW" gameplay not "LASTGEN (PS2/Gamecube/Xbox)" Engines with "LASTGEN" Gameplay.”
As did I, except 99% of games on the Wii have both ‘last-gen’ graphical engines AND ‘last-gen’ gameplay. I bought it for the same reasons, but that doesn’t mean Nintendo didn’t put themselves in a difficult industry position.
“That is unacceptable for the market leader.”
Blab la bla, cut the ‘market leader’ garbage. The Wii has sold fantastic, but as I said game sales speak louder. And, as I said, having an engine that runs across THREE PLATFORMS, of which have GREATER POTENTIAL GAME SALES THAN THE WII, is a far more attractive business venture for publishers and developers.
From your response it’s very clear you missed the point of my post. I wasn’t cutting developers slack for lack of effort on the Wii, nor was I accepting shitly ported engines. My point is that the Nintendo Wii, regardless of its sales, is in a very tricky position when it comes to game development. I’ll dot point it for you so you can perhaps understand the thought process a bit easier;
- The Xbox360, PS3, and PC (by large) have far stronger hardware than the Wii.
- Developers have a natural inclination to want pretty engines and do new graphical tricks with their games.
- Thus, developers build engines for high end hardware.
- In doing this, they have THREE platforms to maximize their engines on, with minimal tweaks. Artistic assets can remain largely the same, as can the engine, with more optimization than anything.
- Fact; this cuts down work time and money, while giving the title the largest potential audience
- The Wii’s hardware is not only very weak compared to other systems, but also has largely very different programming architecture (read: not DX based).
- Fact; this makes porting ‘next-gen’ engines to the Wii a pain in the arse. Every single artistic asset needs to be worked over (this is a BIG job) to cater for the weak hardware, and the engine needs heavy tweaking to get shaders running in different ways, not to mention optimization on top of all of this.
- So developers are left with two options; port the title as-is, or make a new engine from the ground up.
- Fact; developers dislike having to spend a shit-ton of time building an engine SPECIFICALLY for a Wii port, when the original engine and original version of the game managed to be stable on three different platforms.
THIS is why the Wii gets the shaft so often with ports, at least graphically, and people need to understand this, and accept this. If you bought the Wii with expectations that all the latest high-end visual games would be ported to the Wii with faithful graphical adaptation, you made a poor purchase, because the Wii was never going to get that. Sorry chumps, the Wii is just a shitty platform to port games to and that will never change until Nintendo make a system with competitive graphical hardware.
Again, this is why developers should focus more on EXCLUSIVE titles, as they can spend the budget on making an engine from the ground up without having to worry about it going to other platforms.
SUMMARY: Developer makes Engine A and Engine B. Engine A runs with minimal tweaks, maxed out, on THREE platforms. Engine B runs maxed out with minimal tweaks on ONE platform. Which looks most attractive to a publisher?
“20 years of console history refutes your assertion. The market leader has always, "always" gotten the best support first and foremost. This is not going to change just because Microsoft and Sony want it to.
Sooner or later, Publishers will be forced to make ground-up Wii games due to Nintendo's sheer marketshare. The stagnation of the PS3/360 market is evidence of that.”
They already ARE doing that. Granted, they could do more, but its obvious the trend is heading that way.
What the hell is your point? You’re speaking as if you expect developers to completely shaft ground-up engines on PC/Xbox360/PS3 entirely in favour of 100% Wii-specific engines for EVERY game, or shaft non-Wii development entirely. Not going to happen, sunshine.
Again, you seem to have missed my point. Game’s built PRIMARILY for high-end hardware have engines accustomed as such. The Wii does not fall into this category. I’m talking about ports here. Developers are not going to shell out time and money to make an engine SPECIFICALLY for a Wii PORT when the engine already functions on three different platforms, and they already have an immense amount of work cut out for them (eg: art assets).
The whole point of my argument was that people complain about 3rd parties not making ground-up engines for Wii ports of games that were never built for the Wii in the first place. That is never going to change. As I said, if you bought a Wii expecting ports to shine on the system you made a poor purchase. If you want those ports you're better off buying a different system.
What the Wii needs is more exclusive titles; development time and money spent 100% on graphical engines specifically for the Wii and fine tuned motion + pointer based gameplay.
That guy from the IGN boards is right: the Wii just sucks!
The hardware is not up to the task of handling any decent applications and developers will always have to port them to get a result that looks like it was scaled back to the Atari graphics era. Even graphical engines built from the ground up are complete disasters as well, take a look at The Conduit. I've said this once and I'll say it again: the Wii is a failure and it should be buried along with those Atari E.T. cartridges. I don't know how many times do I have to repeat this and point out that gamers, the real ones, are rejecting the Wii.
Grandmaster B, disappointment doesn't even describe it. And you think good and decent games are coming out in the future? All the titles that are being released for this year and the next after next just sucks! I also doubt their next console is going to be any better because Nintendo is planning to continue with their bullshit strategy in the next generation! There is no future for the Nintendo if they keep going like this!
Wii fails!!
- Kony
The strategy was only for market domination by a category – and it’s understandably that it will not prevail. Next thing is to adjust to the major demands such as HD, online, patents. It’s also important to remember that customer do not always know what they want. Equally important for a company is to not always listen to customer but instead show (guide) the way for an alternate “path” i. e Wii. Nintendo, as some of you might remember, systematically “ignores” customers direct request and instead implement “indirect” solutions, think DS, Friendscodes ect…
And guys, please don’t jump/attack the individual behind the posts instead attack the point of view it self…
Nintendo has stumbled with this "alternative" way, and gamers, real ones, still don't like it. Nintendo will never adjust to the major demands because they have shit for brains!
Wii fails!!
- Kony
I wouldnt mind their shit for brains, they are making a lot of money from it :)
And no I didnt say good games, I said decent. And what I meant hopefully they will be good. But just dont be stubborn about it and keep an open mind or at least hope.
I think you are being a bit too pessimistic on their next console. I think this is when the time is right for them for mass production on good specs that will produce great graphics with great playability. Any high res HDTV 360/PS3 like graphics on the next console should not disappoint and we should have more developers on the bandwagon to produce more hardcore content. Assuming that the Wii will do similar to PS3 levels on the next platform.
Nintendo's bullshit belief for next generation consoles is that "graphics have hit a saturation point." With the 360 and PS3, they were wrong. What makes you think they're going to improve that? Even if the Wii 2 will have 360/PS3-quality graphics, it would be horribly outdated when Sony and Microsoft go all out and produce CGI-like graphics in their next consoles. Developers and engine vendors will be using cutting edge technology to power their games, while the Wii 2 will be stuck using useless and outdated crap like the Wii is with the Quantum3 engine, which is used on inevitably shitty game, The Conduit. Nintendo would go back to square one all over again, and they will eventually die out because they have made an ass out of themselves in the gaming market and every real gamer would leave them in the dust!
Wii fails!!
- Kony
Yeh maybe but just remain a little bit more positive mate. I know its hard cause they can be a bit disappointing at times Nintendo.
Although I have been quite disappointed with a lackluster of titles to play, I still think there is hope. If not, just will need to be a 2 system generation for me next gen. I will always purchase Nintendo for Nintendo games alone.
Ok, so you're a sellout?
Yeah, you go live in la-la land of false optimism when Nintendo goes down the shitter while I'm in reality, trying to get Nintendo away from this dangerous future they're in.
Wii fails!!
- Kony
I found a picture of my little phoney by the way. And here are all the arguments he brought along.
Ok, so you're a sellout?
Yeah, you go live in la-la land of false optimism when Nintendo goes down the shitter while I'm in reality, trying to get Nintendo away from this dangerous future they're in.
Wii fails!!
- Kony
Umm how so? And you trying to get Nintendo out of making a load of money? You might waste a lifetime there as well as have the major shareholders laugh at you. Or more so, they wont even know you exist, thats how much time you would be wasting.
You just sound like you need to move on, or get out of gaming.
I definitely dont live in la la land, I play more than one system. I wish it were one, but I get different aspects from different systems.
Anyway I think I am done talking to you, you are past speaking back to me rationally now unfortunately.
I suggest everyone here just ignore him, its a waste of time.
Hey Grandmaster B.
Good to have you here, as always.
I suggest everyone here just ignore him, its a waste of time.
Absolutely. I didn't make him village idiot of this blog for nothing. He has contradicted himself here more often than David Jaffe uses swear words.
So, let us enjoy the unrivalled incompetence and skilled lunacy of his ramblings. But let us not try to reply with reason. He himself wouldn't want that (if his brain had more computational power than a Game & Watch handheld).
Indeed, Falafelkid. Mr. Bip, Kony, is simply a figure to mock, an almost cartoonish caricature of a real person in some ways. I've been having a bit too much fun just prodding him here and there (OK, maybe I went overboard, but it's pretty funny to see him scream his head off for a few semi-condescending comments.). On the plus-side, I gave him a friendly nickname. :)
However, I admit that I'm growing bored with Mr. Bip, so I'll just watch him self-destruct for now. :)
You guys should check the article about the lackluster Wii line up Casamassina wrote over at IGN. Such an article from an major Industry site was long overdue.
Some thoughts on the matter:
First off I am fully aware that Nintendo doesn't need to listen to anyone. Yeah yeah I know they are in a top position...it's all good. Everything seems to be going according to plan. They have broadened the market to the point where they are no longer dependent on us core gamers. Simple interfaces and easy, accessible games have been the key to success. From a sheer business standpoint Nintendo is a winner. Blablabla.....
With that said I'm afraid to say that from a core gamers persepective however Wii's line up is incredibly insulting.
They still refuse to create games aimed at older demographics and instead continue releasing cartoony stuff and sequels to cartoony stuff.
Not that I hate cartoony stuff - it's just that... matter of fact is it's all kidy catoony stuff with next to no real alternatives except for mostly low quality/budget 3rd party stuff.
Metroid, Mario, Zelda Mario Kart Kirby Pokey Donkey,Animal Krossing-let's face it It's all cartoony . No adult stuff. All the games are kids friendly. But once in a while adults demand adult entertainment adequte to their tastes. It's their right. They don't want gaudy coloured creatures all the time making strange noises.
I still play Mario and Zelda because as we all know they are great games but I'm growing tired of all the sequels and all the cartoony stuff. I know it might sound shallow and ignorant but thats just the way I feel. I have been playing those super colourful cute cartoony nintendo games for almost twenty years starting way back in the NES era. But I'm getting tired of it I just want some fresh stuff from the company I grew up with. The competition gives me that. Nintendo needs new IPs that attract grown ups. It's simply too one sided. Their line up still consists of 90% kiddy, cartoony stuff. I hate to tell you that but that's simply reality. Kirby isn't Alan Wake.
Thats the one big issue from a core gamers perspective with the other one being 3rd party support.
It can't be that Wii is getting all the low budget spin off titles. They need to do everything in their powers to make sure that Wii gamers get to play all the great major titles. Wii owners shouldn't support all the low quality multiplatform ports. Expectations should be way higher. Great games shoud be taken for granted even if that means(for Ninty) paying 3rd partys like Sony and Micro constantly do. Money makes the world go round.....
If Nintendo address these two big issues I'm pretty sure they can win over a lot of core gamers like myself .
What about you Nintendo if I may ask? Do you want to stay the kid friendly company and focus on that or what's the deal?? Do we expect too much from you?Are you the Disney of the games industry? is that what you want to be?are you comfortable in that position? If thats what you want to be I apologize for expecting you to be something that you never intented to be over the years.
Video games arent for getting in fit, they're for taking out your sword and cutting somebodys head off, or getting that headshot before the other sniper gets you. Wii isnt even next gen. The graphics are garbage, the games are garbage. The wii remote really isn't that cool at all. Its the same exact thing as just pointing my tv remote at the screen, nothing special, and they couldn't even do it in style, they had to do it with gamecube graphics. Yeah the wii is one of the greatest things to happen to families, but for the hardcore nintendo gamer like myself, its just a slap in the face. Yeah i own a wii, ive had it since day one. The games i have for it? Wii sports and wii play. The system is terrible im not wasting my money on any games for it. I would of kept smash brothers when i bought it, but honestly, the wii online is terrible and way too laggy and me and my friends would rather play Gears of War 2 on xbl. I feel its too late for the hardcore gamer and wii, and i doubt nintendo will do anything with there next system. If nintendo decides to open there eyes and listen to the people who bought there games originally and are the reason they are so big, than maybe i'll have a little bit of hope. Nintendo, just make a normal system, same graphics and specs as the other consoles when they come out. Use some of your money to set up an online service, and make your games not gay. Their isnt only 10 year olds playing your systems you know!
K done ranting.
I'll say it right here right now. I have pretty much left the train to Nintendo city a long long time ago. In fact all the way back to the N64. And why have I not jumped back on? Because quite frankly I am tired of Nintendo's marketing strategy and oversight.
It must be great to think they are the most innovative company of gaming console after console (minus the gamecube), yet I haven't seen a new successful IP come out of them for years. Sure, it's nice to know they can still make the same franchise games great, but what happened to being new and innovative? Why not a new IP? I mean jesus christ really?
And like Matt pointed out early on, developers just do not like working in the confines of the systems hardware and I for one can completely agree to that. When more powerful stuff comes along, devs can't wait to work with it, so when the hardware is practically last gen, it's a serious buzz kill...
This brings me to my final point, Nintendo doesn't care as long as they are cashing in. You won't see me back on this train until someone different heads the company in a better direction.
I'll just tell my quick story as a case-in-point.
I've traditionally only owned a Nintendo console. In hindsight, I bought the wii because of the control possibilities, and I was sticking with the brand I knew, which had previously been reliable, releasing enough quality games that I really wanted to play.
At the time, the Gamecube seemed to me to have more of those games which I liked, than the Xbox or PS2, so I figured that would continue on into this gen. Unfortunately, I'm finding that the Wii just isn't delivering. I look at the Xbox360, and have now decided that it's time for a console switch. It has many more interesting games that I just wish I could be playing, instead of waiting out for the next Zelda or Mario (which are great, and I understand that we can't just demand a new Zelda or Mario every year. But these AAA games are just too few). Moreover, my dreams for amazing controls met a devastating anticlimax, with the flood of craptastic waggle shovelware... That, and also, in my opinion, the Nintendo titles that I loved like pokemon and Zelda, have lost their power to spur my imagination and take me away to that other world like Zelda games of old, or the original pokemon games (but that's another argument for another post)...
Maybe Wiimotionplus will deliver on the dreams that drove me to buy the wii in the first place, and maybe the next Zelda will absolutely blow me away. But I, like many other former Nintendo loyalists, have just grown tired of waiting for Nintendo to prove to me that it's still the beloved company that I used to count on for great games.
Why keep hanging on, when that daily visit to the IGN nintendo channel, which used to fill me with hype over the next N64 game, now makes me cringe whenever I see the next WiiMusic or My Little Pony, or MarioKart Rehash? (Now I ask myself, why after all this time, am I still making the pilgrimage, when I know already what awaits me).
I am just tired of waiting. I feel like the old man who's ready to leave this weary world behind and make for the promised land. I have been trying so hard to hold on, waiting for the Nintendo I used to know, but now the more I think about it, the more simple becomes the decision. Some angelic Microsoft PR Man's voice is calling me into the light... Well, here goes; Xbox360 gaming RPG heaven, plentiful with games, superior in infrastructure, and ... flowing with milk and honey... Here I come!
I can't tell you whether Nintendo has lost the 'hardcore gamer', but it has just lost me.
I feel utterly patronised every time i switch on my Wii. I got mine for Mario, Resi, Metroid and Zelda and to be completely honest my collection has barely grown. I own a 360 and i get frustrated when i see how much effort has been crafted into the likes of Oblivion, GTA and Fable II. The sheer lack of effort in most Wii titles today is embarassing and if my Wii was not a gift i would have traded it in a long time ago
I have been a Nintendo Die-hard fanboy, since the NES era. Against Sega, Sony and Xbox, I've always sticked with Nintendo. Most of my old games are Nintendo exclusives. Always had hope on the big N, always waiting for them to go back to number one, supporting them and trying to convince my friends to buy one since I can remember.
I am very happy for Nintendo because they have made it to be number one again, but at what cost?
Nintendo has completely forgotten about the hardcore gamers. We, the die-hard fans, who supported Nintendo with the 64 and GameCube and were loyal enough not to let it sink by their own mistakes, just because of how much we love their franchises. We have been betrayed!
Today I can say that I FU$%ING HATE NINTENDO, because how I'm being treated by them. The only thing they care about now is the FU$%ING casual gamers, true, they have bring Nintendo back to the number one spot again, but why not show a little bit of respect and gratitude to the people that were there when they needed it the most?!
If it wasn't for us, hardcore Nintendo gamers, Nintendo would probably be in the same situation as SEGA.
I'm bored! I haven't play my Wii for month now, just because I don't find anything interesting enough to actually buy!
If by the end of 2009 Nintendo hasn't solve this issue, they would most definitively loose a loyal client.
They would probably not care now, but I wish someone important from Nintendo was reading this, just to advice them that, even though the casual gamers are producing them a lot of money now, they are not loyal, because they are casual. They do not care, follow franchises or anything along those lines, they just want to do something in their free time so they don't get bored. So if you are ever in the same situation you were with the 64 and the GC again, you'll be doomed, because you'll betting on something that is not secure!
No one is suggesting that Zelda and Mario titles are going to come out on a regular basis or even an annual basis. The problem is that other than Zelda Metroid and Mario, Nintendo has very little that appeals to core gamers, and that's pretty sad for a company that's been at this as long as they have. Promises of Kid Icarus and Starfox are a start, but that doesn't do me a damned bit of good when my Wii is sitting here doing little more than taking up space while I play my 360 and PS3. If you're okay spending 250 bucks on a console that you're only going to buy 3 games for, I guess that's you're story, but personally when a console is only likely to have a 5 year life-span, like the Gamecube or Wii, one Zelda game, one Mario Game, and two or three decent third party titles over the entire span, really isn't cutting it for me. I've only had my 360 for a few months longer than my Wii, and I've got twenty games with an average review score of 8.5 or higher versus 4 total games for the Wii, two of which are PS2 ports and let's be fair, Twilight Princess is a Gamecube port with a few minor adjustments. That means that in the entire two years the Wii has been on the market, Mario Galaxy, and Super Smash Bros. are the only real gems we've seen in a sea of ports and party games. Get real. Even the best Zelda game can't hold a candle to Fable 2 or Oblivion, and even the best Metroid game is put to shame by something like Bioshock or Halo 3, and I say that as someone who loves both Zelda and Metroid. It's time for some innovation in something other than the controller, and it's time for Reggie Fils Amis to get over himself and to start being honest with the fans. If Nintendo is only interested in appealing to 8 year old pokemon freaks, that's fine, but quit trying to insult the intelligence of the rest of the gaming populace by stating that Animal Crossing, and Warioware are the hardcore titles we've been waiting for.
I've owned a Wii for 18 months now, and I probably played it for a month before I put the console down and went back to my XBox 360. I kept the Wii because my kids were playing it, but now even my kids have grown tired of it. My kids have now unhooked the Wii from our T.V. and hooked up our old XBox in its place; that's right our old XBox, not an XBox 360. I'm at a place where I'm asking myself why I haven't put it up on E-Bay. It doesn't help that I think most Wii games are way over-rated too. I don't think either Zelda or Metroid Prime 3 should have gotten 9.5's, and Smash Bros. Brawl bordered on being a remake of Smash Bros. Melee. In fact I'm so jaded by the inflated reviews that Wii games get that I find myself unwilling to buy anything on the Wii regardless of how highly it is scored. I also think that Matt is overly optimistic. Nintendo has not produced a game that is on the same level as Fable II, and I don't expect them to ever match the game.
I am 31 years old and have been enjoying all that Nintendo has had to offer as I grew up, and then also when I refused to grow up
Matt has done a great job with this article and I wish I could sit here typing a disagreement, unfortunately that is not something I can do without lying.
I have owned all 3 of the current systems and I used to be able to say my PS3 got the least love, but not anymore. My poor lonely Wii has sat unused for a long time. How long? Over 4 months ago my house had a power outage and my Wii still has a red light form not being turned on since; before that I played Boom Blox a couple times. Not a very good sign.
I made great efforts to have my Wii on day one, sadly Nintendo has not shown me the same dedication.
My first issue is with the fact that 1:1 was not available on day one, seriously does this not seem like a huge mistake in getting people to truly experience the games?
My second issue is that Nintendo chose to allow so many pathetic shovel-ware titles on their innovative system, thus creating a black hole that immediately began simultaneously sucking money, from the pockets of the ill informed (the wonderful new casual gamers they wanted so badly), and interest, from the real gaming community (you know, those of us who have been with Nintendo for most of our lives).
The last one also brings me to the point that Nintendo clearly has no respect for any of us that have bought and held on to the system...desperately holding out hope. I am aware that great, heck even good games, take time to be developed, but release properly and more appropriately. Sure you gave us Zelda (a GC port, mostly), SM Galaxy (felt like GC), and Smash Bros. but now what? You can not keep relying on something so far off, seriously if someone came up to me and said that it looked like my dog was starving, how well would it go over if I simply replied "that is strange...I just fed him a few months ago"?
Nintendo has almost completely lost me this time. I have a console, games, and peripherals just laying in layers of dust. Much like a piece of home gym equipment that simply gets used as a clothes hanger, this is not a good sign for an investment.
The 2008 lineup turned out to be an Alzheimer patient; you began having a great conversation and everything made perfect sense, Nintendo even brought up some great old memories again. Suddenly things began to fade and become strange, leading into a long period where you could only sit there and watch in sadness as Nintendo suddenly went into its own world that had no connection with the conversation you were having, or the real world at all for that matter. Although Nintendo seemed happy and perfectly content being in that place, we could never go there...or want to. So we all now wonder if Nintendo still belongs in our house, our perhaps is best left in the care of someone else.
If 2009 finds Nintendo defecating in my living room on a regular basis, sadly it'll be goodbye.
Hahaha. My little phoney. Nice try, leaving lots of comments with various usernames. Just bear in mind that the rest of us here are not village idiots like yourself. We can trace IP addresses and put one and one together. It's all in the name of entertainment, though, eh?
It's time for Nintendo fans to take action against Nintendo's shitty "innovative" strategy that is hurting the company's credibility, dignity, and integrity! Just because it makes money doesn't mean it is good. Nintendo has lost the core gamers, the central basis of the market. Now, the casual market (the non-existant market) is staggering, and the company will soon end up like Sega!
Time to take action!
Wii fails!!
- Kony
Doesnt take a scientist to know where all the influx of the same similar anonymous comments came from :)
The gamers have spoken!!
Wii fails!!
- Kony
Hi Grandmaster.
Doesnt take a scientist to know where all the influx of the same similar anonymous comments came from :)
No, it takes a village idiot. ;) And someone else who can monitor IP addresses and their locations.
The real gamers have spoken, and the Wii will slowly crumble to its inevitable failure! Don't get mad.
Nintendo either has to give us what we want or become a third-party because they are useless as console makers if they keep going like this. The Wii will soon be placed in Nintendo's failed peripherals, the Virtua Boy and the Power Glove.
Wii fails!!
- Kony
I'm personally wondering what he'll attempt next. The attempt to post under multiple IDs shows that he's at least TRYING to be creative. :)
In fact, It's inspired me to be creative, as well!. ;)
Oh ha, ha. You guys are soooo funny! (/sarcasm)
No arguments, no backup? Just pictures? Yeah, you can't hide the fact that the Wii will fail! Compelling software in 2009? They're all shovelware compared to the 360 and PS3 (wait, the standards in general) because they're nothing more than just mini-games and light-gun shit!
Wii fails!!
- Kony
Hi M. Ferreira.
Nice Nyoro~n cartoon ;)
I'm personally wondering what he'll attempt next.
Maybe my little phoney wants to get into gaming. If so, I would suggest the Wii. It's a great console to start with if you have no previous experience with the medium.
Thanks, Falafelkid. ;) Obviously not my art (anything I draw tends to look like XKCD, to be honest), but I think it sums everything up nicely. :)
And gaming would be a FANTASTIC idea for Mr. Bip! The Wii is a perfect entry into the hobby indeed. With a little bit of everything from FPSes, to RPGs, to hardcore action titles and even those unique titles like Trauma Center: New Blood, that you just can't find anywhere else.
Seriously, the only thing it's lacking is brown and space marines and, well... if that's all you want, then there are two systems with a huge number of those titles.
Hi M. Ferreira.
Absolutely. You sum it up perfectly.
Seriously, the only thing it's lacking is brown and space marines and, well... if that's all you want, then there are two systems with a huge number of those titles.
Quite right, again. But my little phoney is completely new to gaming. We shouldn't overload him with all those titles. Let him start with ´Wii Sports´ or ´Hannah Montana´ even, because he loves the series.
I wouldn't even tell him about those ´Resident Evil´ or ´House of the Dead´ games until he is at least fourteen. So that's some years in the future.
Sorry, I don't play bad games, which is all of the Wii titles. I play good ones, the ones with awesome graphics, good gameplay, depth, and less glitches. Something the Wii doesn't have.
Wii fails!!
- Kony
Indeed, Falafelkid... but until he can actually show that he's mature enough to have a game system of his own, Mr. Bip's going to have to be content with his Leapster. :)
Hi M. Ferreira.
Yup, my little phoney loves his Leapster... in pink!
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