Sony really deserves every single word of bad press they get at the moment, I have come to accept now. Why, you ask? Because their executives are rubbish at communicating their product.
Sony Computer Entertainment exec Phil Harrison recently went on record, saying that the PlayStation3 is so powerful that "nobody will ever use 100 percent of its capability."
While that might sound impressive at face value, it is undoubtedly the most ridiculous statement someone can make about a product like this (one that is both so expensive and cutting edge) and is sure to drive potential buyers towards either competitor.
Think about it. It is like saying that a hair dryer is really powerful, but will never actually work at full output capacity. You still have to pay plenty extra for that extra power, although it will go unused, of course. Mind you, Mr. Harrison would make an excellent hair dryer, with all the hot air coming out of him these days.
I think that Harrison should be fired for making such moronic statements at a crucial time for what essentially is a great product. And I would not be surprised to see that happen soon, too. After all, last time I called for Ken Kutaragi to be sacked - and remember what happened just over a week later?
Source: MTV
Thanks to: Slashdot, Ars Technica