Wii games can look as good as Xbox360 or PlayStation3 games, US developer High Voltage Software (´The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy´, ´Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude´) claims.
In an exclusive IGN interview, Eric Nofsinger, the studio´s Chief Creative Officer, found some strong words.
Most of the games on the Wii look like crap. We want to change that, so we've invested heavily in our Wii tech over the past year. We have real-time normal mapping, reflection and refraction, post process full screen effects, real-time shadows, projected lights and textures, specularity and fresnel effects, emissive and iridescent materials, interactive water, morphing, and much more all running with a rock solid frame rate on the Wii.
Our goal is to be the most technically innovative Wii developer on the planet. (...) With Conduit, we are trying to make a Wii game that looks like a 360 title.
The studio announced the development of a First Person Shooter called ´The Conduit´ and showed off their dedicated Wii engine called Quantum3 in a technology demo.